Formal Request To Make Discord User Interface Have Toggle To Turn Off New UI
I’m probably the millionth post to write about this, but I wanted to detail so far the issues I have with this new UI which not only makes me want to cancel my nitro subscription, but also delete the mobile app from my phone. Anyone is free to comment on this, upvote to get visibility or whatever, but I hope this reaches Discord’s ears on why it’s concerning.
Some things to note what the new update has done:
- The search function and pins no longer show images, you have to click on them to be sent to them.
- No longer is a preview and “jump to message” option. You’re immediately launched to it.
- Your position in the pins/search section is no longer retained. Once you click on an old message and wish to go back to search for something else, you need to scroll all the way back down.
- No more page separations and just one big lumped list.
- No more auto-completed search filters. You need to fully type out names. For other filters, need to click a button to select them otherwise it won’t work.
- There's also no longer an "in: #channel" filter. Instead, you need to go to the specific channel you want to search and click the search button there and it'll only show you results in that channel.You can no longer swipe to the side to see the members list, instead it causes you to select a message for replying. Instead, to see the members list you have to click on the channel name.
- You can also no longer swipe to the side to see the members list, instead it causes you to select a message for replying. Instead, to see the members list you have to click on the channel name.
- To get to settings now, you need to double tap your profile picture.
What is also concerning is how even with auto-update disabled on the Apple Store for instance, the new changes still got pushed through and updates occur. This of course I’m writing a report to Apple on should an app even be allowed to do such thing because it’s just not okay. I don’t know if anyone else had that issue.
Overall, this has been very disappointing to see and I question who is on Product and Design to sign off on making this some seamless User Experience when in reality, it’s clunky, awful, not intuitive, and definitely inconsiderate of long-time users and how the change can be for them cause muscle memory. It would’ve been nice if this was a toggle where one has the option to slowly ease into the change versus it shoved down throats.
I’m just disappointed, honestly. I’m going to miss the search filter the most from original UI/UX.
It's clear they don't care to listen, best thing to do if you actually want them to listen is to stop supporting them with your money.
6 -
Everyone got auto-updated, Apple and Android both regardless of settings.
4 -
Upvoted but I doubt that Discord gives one single s*** about what we think.
5 -
This- thank you for trying to reach them.
3 -
Agreed 100%.
Rubbish update.
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