Voice Channel Statuses Are Terrible
I want the option to never use them, they're just annoying and weirdly invasive - maybe I don't want to announce what server I'm voicing in? How about I don't care to share what activity I am doing with my friends by default? How about how that's no one's f**king business but mine? I'd be miffed enough that it set my status automatically just once, but that it keeps doing it when I join calls? This is NOT a god damn social media platform. Absolutely Awful.
Absolutely agree, would love to see a possibility to permanently disable this feature
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Agreed. Terrible new “feature”. Totally unbelievable they would add this with the default behavior forced on, and no way to opt out. Such a developmental failure…
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Just disable it guys. It sucks. You know it. We know it.
:: Michael_Jordan_Stop_It ::
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60MnDJklnM3 -
Agreed, I don't want to be “chilling tbh” and I CERTAINLY don't want everyone in every single server I'm in to see that I'm in a voice call, that's an insane invasion of privacy
Just let weird new features be opt-in, it's not that hard
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Absolutely hate it. Obnoxious, invasive and useless.
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Must be nice to have so much money to be able to waste dev-hours on things like this. Hope it isn't kept around purely to justify the clear waste of money that it was.
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I am also facing the same issue
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I find it cool
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