Brightness Adjustment For Light & Dark Modes In Discord.
Brightness sliders for light & Dark mode.
As the title says I'd love to see a brightness slider for Discord and its countless themes. As of now, you can choose discord icons, Themes including light & dark modes, But I'd love to see an in-between of the two.
Not just a slider for black or white but adjustable brightness for themes too as I feel like a brighter application looks better but not too bright. That's the problem here all the light themes are extremely bright & all the dark themes are well- Gloomy..
A slider to make a dark theme slightly brighter or a white theme slightly darker so users can access an In-between would be a really good feature in my opinion, I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement but I think this would go a long way & up the improving overall look of discord lately.
Oui! I tôtally agree with this, I’d lovè to see this getting put in discord, I too think it would be greatly useful for getting a more comfortable look on the app!
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