Allow only admins/moderators to mention certain roles
Officiel kommentar
We've just added this feature! You can find it under Server Settings → Roles.
More details in this FAQ: -
I have experience with this problem all the time, but I would suggest making it so only certain roles can tag certain roles. Regarding my server, the people we want tagging certain roles, do not have admin or mod.
155 -
this should be implemented ASAP
the tagging for roles is pretty nonsense without this feature
anyone can tag a role or nobody, this is damn stupid
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I agree with Francis. That would solve the problem brought up by Nelly and would give admins more hierarchy control.
This would be perfect if implemented along with:
36 -
This have been asked for so many times, why this isent a thing yer is beyond me! Plece discord just make this happen, it would make our server 100% more efective.
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I think you didn't understood what we are talking about. We are talking about this:
If you create a new role, you can only decide if ALL or NONE is allowed to ping the role. We would like Role1 and Role2 to be able to ping Role3. But other people don't.
It's not about the "everyone" role.30 -
For example, I manage the Joe Rogan discord. We have a role for people that want to be notified when Joe goes live. In order to accomplish this, we have to quickly toggle the role as mentionable, mention the role, then go back and untoggle that setting. Would be much easier if we just had a toggle that only allowed moderators to @mention a custom role instead of just ALL or NONE.
24 -
This has been on since 2016, the release of @mention roles... When will discord do this?
20 -
Barely found this. There was a page on feedback subdomain, but now it's gone.
I completely agree. This is important functionality and can't be dealt via bots.19 -
> If you don't want to be ping, make it clear to your members (by writing a rule in a "rules" channel for example).
The entire point is to prevent abusers, not the people that follow the rules (or we wouldn't need this).
I host a Discord server of 14,000 people. 1 role may contain a TON of people inside. We have about 75 total roles over the years.
It is useful for both mods and bots to do this. Currently, bots have to set permission to allow the role to be pingable, ping them, then turn it off.
Then let's say our stream is going live, and we want to ping hundreds of people that's in the streamer role, but also want to announce it publicly to encourage others that may not yet have the role to join:
Same thing. We have to allow the role to be pingable. Ping. Then turn it off again.
It's extremely tedious. This feature would mostly be useful for larger servers. EXTREMELY useful. I've been wanting it for ages. Ah... it'd lower so much stress. You'd get the spammers that come in and try to @ping every single role possible before getting banned. Sure, they get banned, but always after they ping a ton of roles.
16 -
@Aniky Facepalm, when will people read comments fully.
Certain custom-made roles, not the @everyone or @here role.
15 -
i would love to have this feature its gonna be very helpful in order to manage my discord community
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The role mentions function came out on 2016. And now we are in 2019, many discord servers have grown much much larger.
In a large community, @role can be really useful and also frustrating.
We need to @ a smaller group of members rather then just @here or @everyone.
But there will always be someone typo and end up tagging a role accidentally. #facepalm
And right now we don't have anyway to prevent it.
Please actually review and redesign the role mentions function with feather permission settings.
13 -
i agree, its annoying to get tagged by someone who is not even an admin 12 -
YES. PLEASE. We need this SO badly. It would help so so so much with efficiency. Also, it would reduce the likelihood of a raid lasting too long. This is extremely important, really hope Discord is actually implementing this
12 -
The best solution will be a simple patch who improve a role call system.
First option will be "allow a mention for this role" (toggle button).
Second option will be "select roles from the list which has privileges to mention".11 -
He's saying that he wants to avoid getting pinged and other users and the sudo dident comment about that
9 -
yes please
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I'm having a lot of trouble because of this.
9 -
This would be super helpful for us.
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I think all of you misunderstood the OP. He wants a toggle for only moderators to @mention this role, instead of just having it available for anyone or nobody. @hiccups @aniky
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Absolutely. This is a very good idea.
It will allow us to open up notification settings within a server and allow users to CHOOSE pings(example: only server news, new content, do-not-disturb, etc)
Please make this a reality discord!8 -
@ The Guy In Blue Goggles
Please do not mix new ideas with ideas from others. If you have another idea, please create your own topic.
What you are talking about has already been suggested at the link below. Please post there. Thank you.7 -
We have 14k members on our server. If I'm about to make an announcement, I need to set permissions to allow ANYONE to ping >> Type really fast (copy+paste) >> Send my announcement >> turn off the role ping super fast. If someone notices I'm typing -- even with copy paste -- or notices the announcement fast (since they get pinged, after all), they can @ping up to 14k people if they do it before I turn off the perm!
This is extremely ghetto and this should absolutely not be the way to ping roles from a mod perspective.
7 -
This has over 3000 users agreeing/upvoting everyone and their mother wants this. If you guys add this it will be very very appreciated on discord worldwide because I just think of 1k ways this can be useful I've been trying to do this for a while but nothing works. Please just allow this. The whole community will love this as a feature just add it, Its alot of coding but surely be appreciated.
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+999 4 -
Massive +1
If not just allowing Administrator to override an unticked 'Allow anyone to mention @role' maybe perhaps a separate 'Override no mention @role' permission too!
4 -
Discord updates stuff frequently but still bypassing this important feature for years. @Mentions are a massive part of Discord and should be allowed to be limited to specific roles. Admins should innately be able to @ any role that exists, period. On top of that roles should have a section where you can add other roles that are allowed to @Mention them.
4 -
Thanks for sharing, but if you assign yourself the role and use your format you will notice that the role doesn’t get pinged.
It looks like you are mentioning it but it won’t actually ping the role.
If that would actually work, anyone could mention any role since coping IDs is nothing you can restrict in any way.The only way around this atm are bots that make the role mentionable > mention it > make it unmentionable.
Carl-Bot is the best choice imo.
Works great, especially if it’s just for announcements.
You can simply create feeds that will do that and include your arguments.Anyway being able to mention any role, if you have admin permission on a server, still is a really important thing and should have main priority.
4 -
Woo! Its been a year and two days and Discord finally implemented this!
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