Ability to pin friends where servers are
I'd love if I was able to pin friends to the sidebar exactly how servers are. There are a few people with whom I talk a lot and it's always cumbersome to go to friends first then find them from the list, THEN chat.
This needs to be implemented.
It is not a requirement that the servers and DM's are mixed in the sidebar, but they can be separated with the divider that is already there between your servers and the Discord logo. F.e. friends above the divider, server underneath the divider.Example:
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Why is this getting downvoted?? I think this would be a legitimately good feature. There have been times in the past where being able to pin a DM to the sidebar would have been very useful to me.
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Yes this or at least having a Favorite section for DMs and Message Groups that you don't want to change position makes so much sense
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This feature is really needed and should have been there from the beginning.
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Good idea. I'd like to see it on Discord. 2 -
I came online looking to see if this was possible: It'd be so much more convenient!
Honestly, I'm surprised it's not a feature since the messages already pop up on the sidebar--it feels like you should be able to keep them there.2 -
I completely agree! Especially when using Discord in a team you want to message people directly just as often as you want to talk to an entire working group.
Having DMs integrate either in the server list or accessible diretly by clicking on peoples name in the list on the right (not only send a message but open the conversation) would be a great feature2 -
I would support this feature too! I spend a lot of times on servers of course, but I use DMs and particularly group chats *a lot* - being able to pin DMs to the server bar would save an extra click, which makes a big difference, particularly for my relatively slow device running multiple instances of electron alongside multiple tabs of at least two different browsers.
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+1, the extra clicks are annoying. I liked the 'favorites' idea above.
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@animal Not sure, I have several permanent group chats that need several clicks to get to if they don't have any unread messages. The chats already show up in the sidebar when they're unread.
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we totally need this
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Totally agreed
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I would love this feature! Any feedback from Discord?
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+1. Would be really helpful!
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2 years and counting
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would kill for the ability to pin private messages to the sidebar. I split discord 50:50 talking on servers and having a DM with people. the extra effort to switch to your friends list and pick out the friend is annoying, especially over a long period. seems like an easy fix.
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Wish I could upvote this more. Absolutely a feature I wish for in my head every time I use the app for private messages. I've gone so far as to create servers that are simply me and one other person to get them on that section.
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yessss we need this too much
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Yeah this would be great certain friends I speak to everyday would be nice and easier to message them if you could pin them to the side bar.
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Updating this issue as it is a much needed feature
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Yeah I mean it is kind of irritating to go to the friends list first everytime I need to access a chat with a friend, not a server.
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Been googling to see if there was a way to do this, sad to see its not a feature. upvoted to get visibility for maybe a feature enhancement in a future release
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Not only F as favorite. I like to see pin exact person/user to save some clicks/searchs..
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