Allow Admins to Override Being Blocked


18 kommentarer

  • thunder33345

    not privacy issue but more of a personal thing,

    if i explicitly blocked an admin there's a reason for that, and i do not want to see any messages from said admin

    there should be no way for that admin to overwrite my choice

  • Permanently deleted user
    That sounds really dumb, if they have you blocked, you should not be able to force them to read your message. They have you blocked for a reason. If they choose not to read the message, that is their own fault.
  • chloroform chloe

    This is stupid. The block feature is a feature so users don't need to see or communicate with you at all. This isn't even an issue with Discord. If they won't drop the topic mute them, you did still say stop but they chose to block you it's not your fault they didn't see. This entire suggestion seems to be here because of a personal issue.

  • thunder33345

    >but they chose to block you it's not your fault they didn't see. This entire suggestion seems to be here because of a personal issue.

    Totally this, that's on them not your fault if they didnt catch the memo(due to their own actions), they deserves the boot

    >If a user has engaged in conflictive behaviour with server management and would still ignore server rule reminders regardless, this is in a point in conflict where they would be kicked anyways, and then proceed to ask for explanations from the admin team.

    You as a moderator reserves the right to do anything*(TOS compliant) on your server with your own discretion, if they blocked mods, more than likely no amount of warnings will get the point cross, might as well just kick them out already

  • wAffles
    this would be a huge privacy issue and could very easily be abused
  • Archer55

    Some members apparently allow dm only from friends, apparently this also blocks the Administrator, there should be a way to override this


  • Beep

    lets just not have this thing implemented and stop talking here.

  • sub

    what are you saying?? "a lemon"?

  • Firefly

    I'm glad you got a chance to rant, even if you clearly didn't read the bit of the suggestion where I mentioned not wanting to override the inability to DM people lol. Although I don't think it's productive to necro this thread to flame the op over a disagreement.

    To others who see this: the first comment basically summed up a decent response. A user causes problems and can't see an admin's warnings, that's their fault.

  • LoveAlways

    I did not rant at all. I'm reading the question fully and staying on the topic. You must not be paying attention. Everything I said is accurate and should be read more carefully. My comment is also a decent response

    Anyway, admins should not be able to override the block because it would give them the ability to harass and bully other people in the community. If an admin wants to warn a user for a violation, the admin can ping the user within the server. DM is not neccessary. If an admin fails to ping a user with warnings, than it would be the admins fault. Not the user.

  • Archer55

    You say Admins should not be able to override a block, are you kidding, If you want to block me on my Discord then I have the ability to delete posts, to kick and even Ban members that do not allow me to contact them should I wish to do so.  I have never harassed any member and only use dm to contact them about an important matter.  I run a game server and my Discord serves as a method to contact the game server members if something has gone wrong with the server. Be realistic the Administrator of the server should not be blocked.

  • countessorlandu

    If the member has the admin of the server blocked should the member not take their own block seriously. A block is like a no contact order, you can’t get one then go stand in that persons house… that person should leave on their own.

  • Darth Giraffe

    This is silly. This can easily be resolved by setting a rule that users are not allowed to block Admin. Then, if anyone breaks that rule, you can simply kick/ban them from your server. If Discord made it possible for people I've blocked to be able to send me messages, it defeats the entire purpose of blocking people and I can 100% see people abusing this feature. What a terrible suggestion.

  • LoveAlways

    As long as the user, did not block the admin, the admin can message anyone they want on their own server. The tag "Do Not DM" and "Ask to DM" would not apply to admins. In fact, that entire tag should be discontinued. I should be able to message anyone I want regardless of their user tag permissions.

  • JukePlz

    ^ Mind explaining HOW this would be a privacy issue? This seems like a sane request on a per-server management basis, as long as it doesn't involve Direct Messages to the blocking user.

  • Firefly

    Jesus Christ, -12 points, wasn't expecting that. I can see what you guys mean when it comes to abuse potential; I know that I'd try not to abuse it, and I'd hope that any server management worth their salt would crack down on misuse of the feature pretty hard, but I know that some people are just jackasses.

    Also, to clarify - I was envisioning a scenario where I could override the block only within the server in which I'm an admin. I get that there's still a huge potential for abuse though, so it seems this isn't really a worthwhile solution.

  • wAffles
    I thought it was pretty straightforward but let me reiterate and hopefully you'll understand mister juke... An admin of a server is pestering you over DMs, you try to block them but you can't because of this sane implementation so this admin continues to spam your DMs, it sounds like an issue to me
  • JukePlz

    ben™: I see you are missing the point, as I clarified in my first post this seems to be on a per-managed-server basis and "as long as it doesn't involve Direct Messages to the blocking user." (Firefly just clarified that)

    Thunder33345: The issue here is that users shouldn't have excuses to missbehave on private servers by muting admins. The same thing can currently be done with bots anyways and I don't see people abusing bots to override user settings. This is still a net gain because the cases of abuse from users is potentially much bigger than from admins. If a user has engaged in conflictive behaviour with server management and would still ignore server rule reminders regardless, this is in a point in conflict where they would be kicked anyways, and then proceed to ask for explanations from the admin team.


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