Hide Muted Category button
Similar to the "Hide Muted Channels" button we already have, but for Categories specifically. It'd be nice to have for the servers that have a TON of Categories, since muting/collapsing them only partially gets them out of the way.
Agreed, many times i hide entire categories but the scrolling is still nuts cuz the category name still exists :) please and thank you!
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Yeah that's a good idea!
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Yes, please, for people who own huge server (like me and my school's server) collapsing categories isn't enough...
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I feel like this is a very simple feature that was just overlooked. You can already mute channels then right click a server and hide muted channels, why not let people mute categories too?
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I have to agree, being able to mute and hide categories would be so nice.
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Yes please.. For the love of god. Too many irrelevant channels
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Agreed. Too many servers run by younger users have acquired this trend of having 30+ categories and 130+ channels!
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yes yes yes!!!! hide em!
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God please, WE NEED THIS
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This need to be recognized more, if you agree, please tweet it so that others can go in and upvote the suggestion.
You can either press the twitter button at top, or click the link here or copy paste URL into a tweet.
I would love this Quality of Life improvement, and I hope we get it! :D
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"Looks like it's finally happened! "It hasn't happened. When joining servers who have like 20 categories and 30 or so channels under each, I still have to spend almost an hour or longer going around and muting/hiding channels that I'm never, EVER going to need or use.
Server owners still don't respond well to even the polite suggestion that they avoid channel bloat and keep a server with less than the maximum (or close) number of channels.
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god please. this used to be a thing and they got rid of it for some reason. at least make it a toggle option in settings....
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Discord dev team, people have spoken, its time
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Couldnt agree more - This option is badly needed, especially for large communities
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I'm bumping up this idea. I've been wanting this feature since the "hide muted channels" feature was added.
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please please add this
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Yeah please, we need this feature!
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Looks like it's finally happened! Except categories with voice channels still show cuz you can't mute voice channels. Way better than before woot!
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"Looks like it's finally happened! "This is about hiding already muted categories so they are no longer visible, not simply muting, which has been around for ages
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Pls, don't make us mute individual channels per each category that we want gone: just hide muted category.1 -
+1, this is still not a feature and it is heavily needed.
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I'd like to report that whatever change caused the category to disappear when all channels in it have been muted appears to have been reverted. ...Please un-revert it.
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Hello! I'm in support of this idea! I have so many servers with 90%+ irrelevant categories, I kind of want to obliterate them! Thanks!
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It's better than it was. I know it's not what we wanted but it's a step in the right direction at least.
fyi if you mute all the channels, the category disappears now, that's what i mean by it's a step in the right direction.
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I also need this feature
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Discord pls
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