The new Xbox Game Bar support!
I'd love to text through new xbox game bar while playing a game so I don't have alt+tab to see Discord messages. Please add support for that. Pleaseeeee
This is awesome idea.
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You know, Xbox does give you the option of linking your discord to your profile now. I have a strong feeling this is coming.
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Microsoft just added an SDK that allows everyone to develop custom widgets for Game Bar, I really hope that means we'll get a Discord widget!
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Discord needs to get on this now!
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This would be so awesome. I don't want a separate overlay for every single app.
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This is a brilliant idea.
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Its been 10 months since Som's post, still bo support. I thought that since you could link with discord it would be coming too.
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bro this would be op
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bro why did you name it "the new xbox gamebar support" asif it did come out already?
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Here's a sample Xbox Game Bar Discord Widget and sideload build to get you started. I did a rushed smiley for the icon as a placeholder.
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I agree with the ideia. it's brilliant!
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