Something no one seems to be talking about
I, too, hate the new UI changes, but here's another problem that I haven't seen many people talk about:
The space between two separate posts from the same user has been changed back to being greater than the space between two lines in the same post again, as indicated in this pic.
You actually fixed this a few updates ago and now for some reason you broke it again. Why why WHY?
(And no, the new "space between message groups" setting does not change this.)
Seriously guys... I like your app, I use it daily, but if this terrible update has not been fixed or rolled-back by the end of the week, both me and my wife will be canceling our nitro subscriptions. I am not paying for this garbage.
First of all, designers are no dumb people. If there was no benefit in changing interface, then they wouldn't do that. This "hate" is very common and comes from having to get used to new things. Just because it's not how it was, not necessarily because it's bad. It also disappears very quickly once you get used to it.
Second of all, you need to chill dude.
> Being one of the greatest VoIP apps. > Providing tons of useful features and doing it exceptionally well.
> Being a free app.
- Ah, yeah, nice. Guess I could even buy a subscription.> Minor UI change that doesn't affect functionality.
- I'm not paying for this GARBAGE!I just don't understand how you can call it garbage. If Discord is garbage, everything else certainly is, too.
59 -
This is one of the most 1st world problems ever... they changed the UI, and you're throwing a tantrum... Need some chill man. I don't care for the changes but I'm not gonna rage about it on their forums about it. There's a way to tell a Dev you don't like their change and throwing a hissy fit and proclaiming your going to cancel your subscription just does nothing to help their development and just makes you look like a clown..
49 -
This is the stupidest rant I think I've ever seen. If you need to add more, and you simply cannot stand to have an extra 2 pixel space between this thought and the last, just edit it. In what situation do you need this so bad it becomes a deal breaker. Most likely when you're ranting to someone and want your nonsense to look flush and professional. Either edit, type actual cohesive thoughts into one message, or just go back to Skype or Teamspeak, since it's such a deal breaker Karen.
38 -
What do you mean it looks better and easier to distinguish. Besides it is stupid to cancel nitro because of a minor ui change.
34 -
It is very funny to see someone call an app "garbage," an app that they were already paying for regularly, because the developers have made it easy to delineate where posts begin and end. This change is literally a few pixels away from being absolutely nothing. Calm the hell down.
23 -
I find it annoying the boxes seems so unpleasant to see or watch. The new reaction thingy is much more useful than those 'text boxes' we see. Whenever you move your mouse cursor in discord, you see boxes in each message. And it is very annoying.
22 -
Oh yeah, right right this change made Discord really unusable. Let's all of us cancel our Nitro subscriptions because of a couple more pixels of space between messages.
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I mean, it looks better for me and makes things a bit more eat to follow for me. :P
16 -
Have you stopped to consider that no one is talking about it because it isn't a problem? I'm sure most people haven't even noticed the small additional space in between messages. It affects absolutely nothing for Christ sake! I'm sure discord won't miss your 5 dollars at all. It's almost sad taking money from a fool.
As for the new UI, I don't see a problem with that either. For anything it makes the app look better and easier to navigate. I especially love how they out space between the categories so they aren't all smashed together. But that's my opinion I suppose.
14 -
tf you mean, this is a good thing
12 -
Oh dang I didn't even notice that that's horrible..
8 -
@ArsenyZvonar Issue is: when scrolling in the messages, they flash really quickly. And that makes me dizzy... For me it's not only that it looks bad for me, but also I have physical bad side effects from it! It would at least help to add an option to turn message highlighting off in the accessibility options...
8 -
@bunnystomped to be perfectly honest, I really don't care about anything.. biggest issue is the message highlighting. Moving my mouse and all that flashing makes me dizzy. I'm sure almost everyone will be happy with just an accessibility option to turn the highlighting off
5 -
I'm gonna say this again... For me this update is a big issue, because for some reason I start to feel dizzy from the flashing messages when I scroll. I don't really care about the UI. But if they don't add an accessibility option to disable highlighting, I cannot use the app without physical discomfort.
5 -
It's not even a issue, why are you so upset about this? Sure it's a bit mildly infuriating but the fact that 2 pixels is enough to make you want to cancel your subscription is just dumb. The app isn't "useless" because of some small change that you happened to notice. It's not a big deal and that's why no one is talking about it. You'll get used to it anyways just like the previous updates.
4 -
A glitch? I've seen that all the time and I'm fine with it
3 -
You need to grow the hell up if THIS is what you're sooo upset about. Really?! Spaces between lines? You need to get out more yo
3 -
I would probably take this Feedback seriously but I'm not going to because the OP titled it "Something no one seems to be talking about" like this is a client breaking issue that needs to be talked about now.
Narcissism much?I like the spaces between each new message compared to a new line in the same message. It helps you easily tell that a new message was made.
Next time, make the title of your post about the issue, not a clickbait. And don't threaten cancel culture and your family's subscription over a non critical issue. That needs to stop because it makes you sound young.
3 -
FRICK....Ah, man. I can't do this. I....I just can't do it I'll go insane. Tch....HONEY! Cancel the Nitro subscription and get the kids, we're moving to the country where Discord isn't going to follow us!
Pixels....**mumble mumble** I can't believe they did that **murmur murmur** How dare they ruin my life like this...3 -
I honestly am just mad that they removed the ability to copy link uploaded videos
3 -
They will fix this shortly and don't cry because of them having a minor error saying your going to cancel the subscription. Yes you have an opinion but this honestly makes you seem like a clown.
2 -
At the absolute very least, if they're going to change the UI, then they should give us the option to change our own UI style or settings in case we don't like what got changed. And honestly, I'm surprised this wasn't done earlier...
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Imagine getting this pressed over some line spacing 😂😂
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I dislike the UI update as well, but this is my preference. Being able to denote the different messages is super cool, and when it changed, it pissed me off
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Does this look visually appealing? No. Should this have slipped thru regression testing? Also no. Should you be throwing a conniption over a minor UI inconvenience? Definitely no. It's great you let the devs know this bug came back, but adding the cancel threat is beyond childish.
2 -
If you call it garbage, why wait the week. Just cancel your subscription now and let me and all the other people paying for nitro, as well as the new members to come pick up your slack and contribute to the rest of discord instead of ranting because 5 pixels were added to help you distinguish between messages.
Graphic designer and game developer in me would also add the space there myself to make it easier to tell messages apart.
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My only question is who would go out of their way to look at a slight pixel difference and call it garbage and a problem? This is one of the most petty complaints I've seen about discord.
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Don't like it either
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they're not exactly crying, they're merely expressing their concerns with the update. I'd assume if enough people complained about an update discord would certainly do something about it
2 -
??? this is a good thing though
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