Support not responding
- 1min to delete an account
- 1sec to send an email to me.
- 10min it took me to reply to that mail and the support providing you with all the info (TWICE)
- Time to get a replay from DISCORD : null, never, nada, DREAM ON, 100000000000000000000000000 years.
Discord is a service, and us users are consumers, and there are rights and rules.
If you state that people under the age of 13 aren't eligibale to be on discord you obey by the rules.
However when we provide you with IDs that prove we are 26 and pictures of ourselves and so on....We obey by these same rules.
Now to the staff out there, rules exist and so do rights. And as a consumer I ask for my right to be respected to !
Thank you.
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