it hurts when i poop
plese help
*give free nitro)
Second to the seasonal flu, bowel infections like viral gastroenteritis are the most common causes of acute bowel symptoms, pain when passing gas or pooping. It typically does not last for more than a few days to a week at a lot of. These infections are not serious in most cases and can resolve by itself with adequate bed rest and fluids.
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Do you feel called to join the American Navy? Aside from providing the training and education you need to be in service to the United States, the Navy fosters personal development and leads to excellent career opportunities. To join, you'll need to meet several qualifications and make a commitment to service. Read on to learn what you need to know to get started.
Method1Meeting the Qualifications
1Be in the right age range. To enlist in the Navy, you must be at least 17 but under 40 years of age. If you're 17 years old, you will need your parents permission to enlist, otherwise, you can wait until you turn 18 to self apply. To become an officer, you must be at least 19 and no older than 35.[1]
- The age requirements vary according to specific positions; for example, some officer positions may require that you be older than 19 to apply.
2Meet the citizenship qualifications. In order to enlist in the Navy, you must either be a US citizen or have a permanent residence visa. You may also have an Alien Registration Green Card with an established residence in the US. To become an officer, you must be a US citizen.[2]
3Have fewer than three dependents. Single parents of one child may enlist, but they must complete a special application process.[3]
4Prove that you can meet your financial obligations. While the Navy doesn't require that you be free of debt to enlist, you may be asked to prove that you're in a position to make payments on time. If you have bad credit, be able to show that you're on the path to improving it.[4]
5Pass a drug and alcohol test. The Navy has a "zero tolerance policy" for drug and alcohol abuse, and you'll be required to pass a urine test to show that your body is clear of both substances. You will also have to answer questions regarding past use or abuse of drugs and alcohol.[5]
6Meet the requirements for legal and moral standards. The Navy seeks to enlist only those with high moral character. Your traffic record, criminal record, legal record, and character history will all be subject to review before you're accepted into the Navy.[6]
7Meet the educational requirements for your desired position. Decide whether you want to be an enlisted member or an officer. This distinction determines what type of job you'll do within the Navy and how much education you're required to have. No matter what, you'll need a high school diploma or GED.[7]
- To be an Enlisted member of the Navy, you don't need a college degree. You must be qualified mentally, morally, and medically. You will be given a chance to take a practice test called the EST (Enlisted Screening Test) to test your mental ability. Next you will undergo a medical exam to determine that you are physically eligible. Both of these examinations will be used to determine what specialized fields you are qualified to work in. Such areas include aviation, nuclear, electronics, medicine or other general area of work in the Navy.
- Most of enlisted Navy jobs are very demanding and they generally have lower salaries than officers.
- Enlisted members have to go through 8 weeks of boot camp (8 weeks versus 13 weeks for OCS).
- To be an officer, you typically must be in college and enrolled in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Program (NROTC), the Naval Academy (USNA) or have a college degree in a Navy approved area (i.e. engineering, science, math, etc.). You must also get accepted into Officer Candidate School (OCS), in addition to taking qualifying tests.
- Officers get saluted, get paid more, and have more benefits, including officer club privileges, officer's mess on carrier ships, better housing, and other such benefits.
- To be an Enlisted member of the Navy, you don't need a college degree. You must be qualified mentally, morally, and medically. You will be given a chance to take a practice test called the EST (Enlisted Screening Test) to test your mental ability. Next you will undergo a medical exam to determine that you are physically eligible. Both of these examinations will be used to determine what specialized fields you are qualified to work in. Such areas include aviation, nuclear, electronics, medicine or other general area of work in the Navy.
Method2Enlisting in the Navy
1Contact a recruiter. Once you've determined that you meet the necessary requirements, get in touch with a recruiter, either in person or online. He or she will give you the opportunity to ask questions regarding your specific situation and interests.[8]
- If you're not yet sure whether you want to join the Navy, you can still contact a recruiter, no strings attached, to ask questions.
- When you speak with a recruiter, be sure to ask about the commitment that will be required for the type of service you want to do. Discuss the specific requirements of your field of interest, including the education you'll need.
- The recruiter will provide you with an application, or direct you to one that can be found online. When you submit your application, you'll continue working with a recruiter to set up a plan for enlisting.
2Decide what position you want to apply for. The Navy is rich with career options for recruits, who can choose to pursue a career in engineering, construction, education, the arts, health, information technology, special operations, and so on. Deciding early on what path you want to pursue can help you achieve your goals in the Navy more quickly.
- Recruits who wish to become officers who serve in managerial positions in the Navy, will need to undergo more training than recruits who will serve as enlisted sailors, the workforce of the Navy.
- The Navy often pays for undergraduate and graduate education to help members pursue jobs and careers.[9]
3Sign up and make a service commitment. When you're ready to commit and you've passed the necessary medical and mental exams, you'll fill out paperwork and receive instructions regarding the first year of training. If you're signing on as an enlisted sailor, you will typically commit to at least four years of service; if you're signing on for an officer position, the commitment is three to five years.[10]
Method3Fulfilling Your Commitment
1Complete the first year of service. During the first year, you'll undergo primary training and begin learning about the job you wish you pursue. You'll spend time getting acquainted with the rules and culture of the Navy.
2Complete your terms of service. As a member of the Navy, you may or may not spend time deployed on a ship. In some cases you may spend up to 6 months at a time away from your home base.[11] At the same time, you'll work a specific job and gain expertise in your chosen field.
3Rise through the ranks. Many people in the Navy are eligible for a promotion after just 9 months of active duty. As you fulfill your service commitment, opportunities for promotion and advancement are often plentiful. After 3 to 5 years of commitment, many choose to stay in the Navy past their first enlistment.
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The next step for eligible recruits who want to find out more is to sit down with a recruiter. Recruiters are the most qualified people to help you find out if the Army is right for you.
Your local recruiter will help identify what documents are required for enlistment and will also help you get replacements or copies of any documents that will be needed.
After speaking to a recruiter, your next step will be to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is a multiple-choice test designed to pinpoint your strengths and identify which Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or Army job best suits you.
Your recruiter will help you schedule an appointment at the nearest Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). At MEPS they will determine if you are qualified to serve and what jobs best fit you. This is also where you will take your physical examination.
The Army offers over 150 different careers in a wide variety of categories. The key to your career path is your ASVAB score, which helps to identify the Army jobs that fit you the best.
Now that you have taken the ASVAB, passed your physical and chosen a career path, you are ready to move on to the important training necessary to becoming a Soldier: Basic Combat Training.
Ready to take the next step? Reach out and we'll help you get there.CHAT
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@duckchild thanks that realy helpd
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thanks i needed that
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Discover your favorite parts of working at an airport by joining the Aerborne Airports, Inc. team and choosing one of 15 specific positions to operate, each with specific jobs! Choose to check guests in, serve passengers as a flight attendant, operate the departure gates, maintain security, drive the baggage cart and transport luggage, direct traffic in the control tower, captain the airplane, and so much more! 👍 Remember this game is in Beta, and there will be bugs. Leave a thumbs up to encourage development. It helps us know you want us to create a better place! This airport was designed from the ground up to be the most immersive airport experience available. More is possible now than you ever thought before. More updates are planned for release soon!
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[1:10 AM][1:17 AM]
duck child — 01/23/2021
HELLO, LEROY how has you DAY been GOING? You've BEEN talking a lot of SMACK. BUT that's THE BULLSHIT I be TALKING[5:15 PM]ABOUT.🐵LEROY🐒 — 01/23/2021
Invalid Invite
Ask 🐵LEROY🐒 for a new invite!MentionJanuary 24, 2021duck child — 01/24/2021
now im really gonna join!!![2:28 PM]uh oh!!![2:29 PM]You got ME!!🐵LEROY🐒 — 01/24/2021
join alamaba[2:35 PM]we are doing valorant[2:35 PM]in loving memory of derek brody gamingduck child — 01/24/2021
what if i dont want to[2:35 PM]just carry them🐵LEROY🐒 — 01/24/2021
we r start[2:36 PM]duck child — 01/24/2021
ok ill join0 -
duck child — 03/05/2021
william[5:11 PM]innitduck child started a call that lasted a few seconds.🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/05/2021
mans name william[5:12 PM]last name shilliamMarch 6, 2021duck child started a call that lasted a few seconds.🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/06/2021
frduck child started a call that lasted a few seconds.🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/06/2021
got the drop on a fellow chopduck child started a call that lasted a few child — 03/06/2021
first name william🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/06/2021
duck child — 03/06/2021
last name shilliamduck child — 03/06/2021
first name william[4:27 PM]last name shrilliam🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/06/2021
full name tho???duck child — 03/06/2021
middle name illiam🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/06/2021
william billiam shilliam filliamMarch 12, 2021duck child started a call that lasted a few seconds.🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
williamduck child — 03/12/2021
🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
dont\[10:30 PM]do ntp do tha🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
crazy[11:15 PM]yea[11:20 PM]no[11:20 PM]yo[11:20 PM]thatd be sick if i got invduck child — 03/12/2021
Invalid Invite
Try sending a new invite!🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
no ban[11:22 PM]duck child — 03/12/2021
Alabama21 Online39 MembersJoined[11:24 PM]🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
im ban[11:24 PM]cant let meduck child — 03/12/2021
Alabamageneral💬Joined🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
[11:24 PM]crazyduck child — 03/12/2021
it doesnt let me revoke it[11:24 PM]for another dayduck child started a call that lasted a few seconds.🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
im going to bedduck child — 03/12/2021
u dont want to get unbanned?🐵LEROY🐒 — 03/12/2021
wha t[11:25 PM][11:25 PM]1[11:25 PM][11:25 PM]YOU ARE trollduck child — 03/12/2021
no[11:25 PM]NO[11:25 PM][11:25 PM]give me 5 bucks0 -
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- 4 Reasons You Should Shut Up! 1. Shutting up makes you smarter 2. Shutting up helps people solve their problems 3. Shutting up will better your relationships 4. Shutting up hides your ignorance, giving you time to learn. I’d love to hear from you.
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