
32 Kommentare

  • Manic_Pixie

    This!! That servers get an official NSFW tag so minors can't acces them anymore; GREAT. Support that 100%.

    But to exclude an entire platform, will make the communities not only less accessible, but also less safe. As owners, admins and moderators can't be accessed if anything need attention. 

  • georgewl

    This is horrific and it's basically removing human rights too.

    > **all users** on the iOS platform (**including those aged 18+**) will be blocked from joining and accessing NSFW servers. iOS users aged 18+ will still be able to join and access NSFW communities on the desktop and web versions of Discord.

    Seriously, it's gross that Discord would even consider this

  • KoreanNinja

    In a perfect world we can make sure only people who are 18+ are allowed in NSFW servers unfortunately we don’t live in that world. Removing the ability to access theses servers on IOS isn’t a solution to the problem at all. This is a terrible idea and should never be implemented.

  • ItIsJustZ

    This is BS dude


  • Luke Skywalker (Jedi)

    Discord, you have no right to tell people what servers they can and can't join nor do you get to decide the content of those servers. Stop policing your customers and get back in your place

  • STrRedWolf

    Discord should implement what Telegram implemented when Apple smacked them for NSFW content:

    On web and desktop clients only and for 18+ old users:  Present a "allow NSFW content on mobile clients" toggle, with the default of "off" (do not allow).  Users must log in and switch this toggle on.

    When turned on, the NSFW content appears in iOS/Android.

    Such a scheme works in Telegram.  Why not Discord?

  • Scribb

    I am a Nsfw artist and I use an ipad for my art and to manage my discord this is a terrible idea 


    When adults get treated like children again because developers are too dense to implement proper age verification. I'm not even on iOS but if we allow things like this to get through it's only a matter of time until other places are affected too.

    How about you stop being lazy and come up with an actual solution?

  • DandalfTheWhite

    I couldn’t believe this was real when I saw it originally. It’s fine to keep underage people out of adult servers, but everyone on iOS? That’s so stupid. I can censor the content I don’t want to see myself. Discord has no right to tell me what I can and can’t do on my own phone. Is this a new Apple policy? Are they going to block nsfw stuff in Safari next? Even if it was Discord should stand up for free speech. 

  • MrPhaze

    This is slightly dumb but why exclude an entire platform for one feature when others like this also uses it. Am an iOS user.

  • MaJetiGizzle

    If this is true then this is dogshit.

    I’m a grown ass man. If I want to use my phone to access a particular NSFW platform then I shouldn’t be blocked from doing so for a likely ineffective policy that wouldn’t address any problems of underage people trying to access the platform.

  • Meekki

    I believe we remember Tumblr, right? Kinda? That site that did the whole NSFW purge that killed it for most people?

    That is why there was a mass influx to Twitter and Discord. If you want to cause an exodus from your product, this is the way.

    NSFW material is a driving force of humanity and is tied to a basic primal desire you cannot fully suppress. Feel free to saw your own feet off in the name of an ideal but in the end, you are left with stumps and a mess to clean up.

    This will be a test to see if I ever buy another Apple product. Just this line of thinking makes me lean towards a hard no.

  • ZolaKluke

    How dare you alienienate users just because they decided to use a particular device, discord and apple (especially apple) should be ashamed of themselves for making such a rushed decision. I personally have used iPhones for nearly 10 years now and personally since there are NSFW content creators that require discord to post their works, moving to android would be my next best decision if Apple wants to kill it's user base.

  • Fdipper

    This is total bullshit

  • Vibrant Causality

    This signals to me that you have given up on resolving this issue in any rational way. I know you can do better. I know there is a better way to address this issue, you just haven’t found it yet—but for the love of god, don’t kill your appeal as a platform with this draconian, panicky, blanket-policing. While I know you can do better, I think at the moment you should be ashamed of yourselves. What a way to alienate your userbase.

  • Kendyl20

    I see this as a terrible solution. I assume this is from pressure given by apple but you are your own company and censoring peoples content based off an organizations opinions is the reason why America is messed up and doing things like this could be a gateway to other censorship. At best this would need to be a temporary solution for a long term problem and you need to get all hands on deck to fix this. Its a larger problem than NSFW servers and content, this is a perfect example of the current vacuum of user accountability and spam with the fact that accounts are not tied to anything and people can say what ever they want i.e. hate speech and there are no repercussions. If you are so concerned with NSFW servers and underage people consuming content there tie it to ID then if they want to see it? How about that? At least in the US you can scan an id at the gas station and it will tell them if its real and how old they are. This seems to be rather easy to fix if you really want to hold people accountable with ID or stop punishing the masses for the actions of a few.

  • Titus

    So you are telling me that I can't post to others on a server I'm apart of when they arnt at their computers? Most of them use their iphones as primary devices for ease of use. I'm 100% down for NSFW gates on servers but outright banning an entire suite of devices from using a feature you implement is heavy handed. Other apps have figured this out already I have a hard time believing discord can't. I feel a majority of discord users are game related in some way, remember the migration from TeamSpeak to Discord? or Tumblr to Discord for this NSFW reason? Another product will see the newly open space and take once loyal users just as Discord once did. I dont even use Apple for other reasons but just another reason why I'm glad I don't.

  • FunzoSuruali

    Throwing my voice in to say that I do not support this solution. There are better ways to get around Apples crushing restrictions.

  • Zeeloid

    Absolutely awful, awful, awful idea. Mobile is honestly all I use. It’s the easiest access. For most individuals. This is completely counter productive for your service. Why am I even paying for nitro if my access is going to be this limited. I’ve loved apple products but if I’m going to be policed/be treated like a child for using them. Guess it’s finally time to jump ship. Very bad idea!

  • suum

    This is a terrible idea, if this goes through I know 100% i'm getting an android to replace the phone i'm currently using, it's bad enough you can't see webms in ios but now this?

  • hekkland

    > I would like to add: Discord isn't to blame. Apple is. Hopefully when we give enough feedback, Discord has leverage for negotiation with Apple.

    This is an entirely incorrect statement. This is 100% the fault of Discord and their lazy implementation of Apple's App Store Review Guidelines. Those guidelines state: "If your app includes user-generated content from a web-based service, it may display incidental mature “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on via your website."

    That is to say, all Discord has to do is implement a "Do you wish to see NSFW content?" option on the discord website and then it's allowed to show NSFW content on its IOS app. It just has to be hidden by default. But instead Discord is being lazy, and people are blaming Apple. 

    Discord needs to fire whoever horribly misread Apple's guidelines and then fix this mess they've created.

    Here's the guidelines for anybody that wants em, the part I reference is under "User Generated Content":

  • The Pegasus Box

    Wow. This blew up. I’ll preface this quote unquote ending to the issue that I was never mad at Discord. Disappointed; god yes, mad? No. Discord has never steered me wrong before, I was confused and frustrated, but mainly because I didn’t know WHY. The ability to ask Why is what separates us from the monkee and asking that drew me to Apple. I typed the original post before I did this. We are Hooman, we get angry. My server got flagged for the NSFW tag, and I was surprised to see some new information. Doing research, I came to the conclusion yes, Discord did rush this update, but I believe the Why lies with Apple.

    Discord has always been for the people: their changes exemplify this. Other companies would take months: discord seemingly took a single day, or less, to alter the terms so iOS users could Opt-In. This isn’t me saying forget what discord did, far from it. Unless Apple has a gun to their head (of which I would not be surprised) then it should be a lesson on the Discord staff to take your time and continue asking the community. By the people, for the people.

    Just my two cents. I’d consider this matter somewhat closed, but I hope in the future Discord can specify what exactly meets their explicit nsfw content filter. I’ve had reports that Vore is not flagged, which I don’t think it should nor needs to be, but Guro is also not, which I do firmly believe is explicit.

    I hope we can see some progress in the future, and with hope, community interaction on this issue.

  • wanderoyy

    To the devs: Ya’ll are a bunch of sellouts. Please, go work for a preschool, I think you’ll be better off censoring free speech there, than the internet of all places 🙂.

  • Momoka

    this is absolutely insane that you'd censor free speech in this way. i sincerely hope you reconsider what you're doing because you have no right to take away entire servers on a platform for anyone

  • Manic_Pixie

    Thanks for explaining. Apparently someone in my server had wrong understanding of this. They are usually very on point about these things. So I didn't fact-check. I changed the comment

  • Debugga

    The most recent public update on the subreddit points to the opt-in toggle allowing users to join, but not access servers on iOS.

    I just wish someone would fess up, and own their "we rushed this" mistake. Was there not a peer-app policy handling review?

    There is zero reason that a user that has verified age and opted in, should not see NSFW servers.

  • フΣИI͛ꊼ

    I am a content editor, creator and also an artist in visuals and audio areas, I also am part of MMORPGs and also am a community representative in social groups in a game called pony town. We have both 18+ designaters as well as a minor sector for under age minors only. While I agree that we needed ID Verify for such a long time this is still going to cripple us.

    This has been happening though, this is also disturbing as the way that discord is going about this is that they are determining or using an auto API script of some sorts to scan servers and its content to see if any NSFW content is present, what if only one channel had a NSFW lock on it and it was private and was hardly use? 

    We have adult art that has been drawn professionally and some of it is paid for and we provide services for the community for MMORGP systems, like Dragon Eye Production (They got the World Guinness Record of best MMORPG of its time and is in the Guinness records), PT also has adults and it is concerning to think that adults whom have iOS are going to be drop from our servers just because our server mistakenly gets marked as NSFW completely. 

    Now because of this i have to punish the user base by removing not only the Rant channel but also the NSFW rant and other NSFW content from a public server that is heavily regulated by professional staff. 

    We spend our time and money to have built this community that spans in the thousands, and you're telling me this is Apple's ultimatum  to Discord? And Discord complied?

    Discord Needs to talk wtih Apple about this because this is going to shatter the Apple market as well as the Discord market, thousands will be auto banned and it already started about 3 weeks ago, this is going to cause a lot of consider damage to so many communities that I am heavily involved with, my partner and I are shocked at this development.

    I have both NSFW servers and None NSFW servers and Mild Servers that has perhaps one NSFW channel in it that is locked and NSFW gated properly and whats worse is there is no setting in the server it self to change the entire server designation from NSFW to SFW and vice versa.

    Wait for thousands of emails to be read just to get to ours & process an appeal? That is not going to work, I cannot sit here and stop my services just and have the communities crawl to a near halt and loose all my community patrons because of some slip up of an untested community unapproved method of dealing with minors getting into NSFW content to begin with.

    I have found an article that talks about ID verification, which Discord is now doing but they are going about it wrong. 
    Accounts that are verified via proper credentials should still be allowed access once approved via the iOS systems on their handheld device. 

    It's only a matter of time before Android gets hit too.

    If my entire Pubic server gets marked as NSFW and so does a couple other servers that I am in (Some that I own, or that i am CEO of,)  there is some NSFW channels like one or two in each server that are heavily moderated this would be disastrous. 

    If they mark as NSFW: thousands of users are going to be banned and all communications and social structures will be obliterated, this will destroy half the communities that I am in.

    Here is what i found out about when Apple stepped in and did all this:

    Directly pulled from :

    In this section you can clearly see that we have the option of designating the server as NSFW or Not - OK Where is this switch then; because I haven't been able to find this switch yet???

    I have searched all over the settings within my servers and I don't see an option to do this - so basically Discord is the one doing this for us - and if that is the case they have no idea for sure if my server is designated as NSFW as a whole or if it will be fine if it just has one NSFW Channel that is highly restricted and moderated. 

    This is the ID verification process for 18+ users:

    Discord: you should have been doing this since day one with ID verify individual accounts can be verified to allow access to all NSFW platforms with out restrictions (Unless the server owner restricts users within their own severs using the global templates); We do not have the proper tools and controls to use to our advantage to make our community more safer!

    Give us: the adults, the tools to freely use at our own discretion to properly set the boundaries needed for our own servers instead of banning an entire platform, this is going to kill my user base and hinder operations!

    I also am a trusted moderator/administrator in a adult NSFW server and we are currently in the process of upgrading our servers to better meet the standards of following the policies and procedures in accordance with Discord & COPPA, but despite following the rules, we are still going to loose iOS verified adults; With actual verified credentials to the adult server!? 

    Blocking an entire platform is platform discrimination and a biased decision, you favored Apple's influence and allowed it to progress to affect hundreds upon thousands of users nationally:
    Individuals & groups will be unfairly treated in this manner on the basis of their actual/perceived membership in certain groups & social categories (Social Category/Group is iOS>NSFW Adult Content>Discord Accounts Verified as 18+>Banning of entire Platform infrastructure); Restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to members of another group ( Opportunities>Discord client side access across all tech platforms> removed> User base starts favoring Android more>Apple iOS looses favor because of Discord usage, Apple customers get treated unfairly> Discord treats user-base unfairly> people start leaving)

    Discord: Solve this please - I moved to Discord for multiple reasons and paid for almost a years worth of services, do not ruin this for millions of users like how Skype and Microsoft has has ruined it for two major communication platforms; because we will be forced to take our services elsewhere including our patrons if they choose to follow, which does involve well over thousands on multiple social groups from PT, to DEP, and Other community groups in games, news , LGTBQ+ etc. 

  • doctor_flatbread

    Where is the proof of this?

  • Koalakat

    Come on discord. Don’t bend the knee here. Stand up for your user base and the people who have been able to use your platform to connect with friends across the globe. The nsfw channels are a great way to hide not only adult content from minors but also potentially triggering content from those who would be made uncomfortable by it. Nsfw doesn’t automatically mean it’s something pornographic and it’s time someone told apple where to shove it.


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