Discord Arcade
Lets Put this in 2 ways. A simple way and an in-depth way.
A discord arcade would be an extension of the store, where all the games are (potentially) free for all players, where all users can play, gain a score and compete on friend, server, and global leaderboards.
Game developers could integrate their arcade game with the ability to post scores to a global bin, which discord could then have users sort by their friends, by the servers they are in, and by the global leaderboards respectively. Developers would potentially be paid depending on the playerbase for their game, perhaps a slice of the nitro pie or something.
Lets break it down.
What discord would need to do:
-A Discord Arcade Tab that approved arcade developers could post to (perhaps made easier to get into vs the actual store page)
-Leaderboards that developers could integrate with (devs could post a user's highest score as a bin, then discord could sort by a user's friends, their servers, or by global)
-(Possibly) Allow users to post their highest score as a challenge (similar to an invite to spectate or join, but it opens the respective game and has the player try to beat the score)
-(Possibly) Add custom badges depending on the user's place in the global leaderboard (like if you were Top 100, Top 50, Top 25, Top 10, #3, #2, #1)
-(Possibly) Make Arcade Game Developer's Servers Verified (Owo)
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