A permission that allows user to bypass slowmode without delete others message permission
The current way to bypass slowmode is giving the manage message permission to user, but isn't a good idea to give this permission to normal members.
So i want a permission that bypass slowmode of any text channel without giving manage message permission.
Definitely. This implementation could probably still allow people with manage message permissions to bypass it, but having a specific permission would be amazing as well.
28 -
As long as this was just for specific channels/categories OR it didn't allow a user to bypass permissions they shouldn't have, I'd be interested in seeing this one. 5 -
You can edit channel permissions per user. Just check all the permissions to green. it will override.
-27 -
The point of this is to encourage my laziness. As said, I really hate having to do that for each category, esp. since I have some channels that won't sync with category perms due to special channel requirements.
-9 -
Surprised this isn't voted more, we need this!
8 -
That would be pretty useful.
5 -
I also want this for a server i moderate, pls discordians
3 -
Seconded. There are some users I encounter that don't deserve an outright ban, but I wish I could slap slow mode onto a role and dish that out to folks who clearly need to slow down and stop barging in to derail ongoing conversations with something completely unrelated. I don't want to do it to everybody, but I could definitely come to appreciate being able to do it to somebody.
6 -
Seconded. There are some users I encounter that don't deserve an outright ban, but I wish I could slap slow mode onto a role and dish that out to folks who clearly need to slow down and stop barging in to derail ongoing conversations with something completely unrelated. I don't want to do it to everybody, but I could definitely come to appreciate being able to do it to somebody.
5 -
Or have it one of the edits for general permissions per each role.
10 -
Not sure this is completely necessary but if Discord wants to add it, it would be a cool feature! 0 -
Definitely think this should be a thing. Slowmode for a channel is nice, but when you have one person in particular who can't seem to avoid hitting enter every 5 or 6 words, it'd be nice to forcibly slow them down.
0 -
solution: bots
-13 -
Especially useful for servers where someone is answering questions.
7 -
Absolutely necessary in big servers.
11 -
This would be exceptionally useful in really busy servers, like when a new game is released!
7 -
Don't know why this doesnt exist already.
8 -
This would be very helpful, in the situations of where you have helpers or certain roles that you wish aren't caught in the slowmode but they aren't due to the Manage_Channel permissions and Manage_Message permission has to be enabled for that role. Though of course you're not wanting to give those permissions to said roles.
This would be helpful for Large servers, such as case in my situation. Official Fortnite, would benefit well in this for certain roles that we have. As well as my other servers I moderate from, would come into handy with allowing roles have slowmode bypass by a single permission rather than having it tied together to the other current permissions.
25 -
The following permissions bypass the slowmode: Manage Channel, Manage Messages, Administrator. You don't need a permission to manage a whole channel. -8 -
It definitely would be great to have some sort of specific override that didn't need manage server/messages perms! 0 -
+1 Large servers with big staff, and not only moderators in it, still want to allow the rest of the staff to bypass the slowmode !
3 -
I get this is mostly just relevant for large servers. But come on Discord. You've grown into being a platform for large servers mainly.
Just look at all your official servers with many unique and different mod team systems.
Having this would allow for roles that don't require or should given access to manage_messages but need a slow mode immunity.4 -
+ 1, this would be really helpful in servers where you don't trust people enough for one of the special permissions.
5 -
Yea +1, I do find this already necessary for all the reasons specified above. Meanwhile this thing could be a global permission for a role, I still think and hope it would be a channel specific as well, if it gets implemented.
1 -
OMG YES! I was literally about to make a new post about this! This is an amazing idea!
0 -
Should absolutely be a thing.
0 -
Great idea 0 -
Oh yes, please add this. Cant really explain how much I've wanted this until I saw it. 0 -
Oh yes, please add this. Cant really explain how much I've wanted this until I saw it. 1 -
really need this
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