Being able to edit your online status per server
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This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
Why would you want to do that? Your example, friends, why would you not want some friends knowing you can stream but not other friends? that does not make sense to me. -7 -
say for example be invisible to all servers, other then say a private server you know wont ping you for help and stuff just bc they see you online 4 -
Not possible (with the current system). On the other hand, why are they your friends if you don't want them see you streaming? Remove them then otherwise deal with them seeing you streaming.
-7 -
Yes, to be able to choose who and which servers you share your status with. whether it's streaming or saying what game you're playing, music, etc. i'd appreciate the ability to customize that :thumbsup:
5 -
Many people don't see that you simply may not want certain people to view your streams; people are rude and sometimes there are servers with people you know IRL that might embarass you if they find out you are streaming, which can be an enormous stressor. Having a selective display for certain servers fixes this issue, getting people who you would like on your stream and keeping people you woudln't, out.
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