Allow us to invite bots in-app, kinda like accepting nitro gifts or joining a discord server
As of a person who loves discord bots, i have found inviting bots a struggle. Its not inviting them rather then the reCAPTCHA. every time i click on one of the RIGHT ones it does what the link shows below.
That's just what recaptcha does - it's not a bug with discord, in fact it isn't a bug at all. New images appear, and you keep clicking until none of them match anymore (in this case, keep clicking busses until there aren't any busses). The recaptcha is necessary to make sure that bots aren't being added to servers automatically via a script, but I agree that there should be a way to add bots from the client rather than needing to open an external browser tab
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i never said it was a bug. Its annoying to users when they want to do the simplest thing and invite bots but they can't because of what that link above does
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But that isn't discords fault - that's how recaptcha works. The only way for discord to change that would be to remove the recaptcha, but the recaptcha is necessary for the reason I stated in my previous comment
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and did i say it was discords fault, no, i was mentioning how hard it was but never did i say it was an bug
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Yes. This will be very helpful for people that have to go though the hassle of 2fa.
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I like this idea although if the bot was private the invite button would have to managed by a new option on the developer portal, whether or not the bot was set to public or it could be done manually. -1 -
To add discord bots you need to go to these links
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I’m not an expert in this sort of stuff but you could just have an invite_integer prop on bots. And then if it’s false (meaning the owner disabled it) the tab just doesn’t show up on the user pop up at all.
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