Change the notification size and position (改變訊息通知的大小和位置)


6 Kommentare

  • Exaint
    you can simply change your online status to"do not disturb" so u dont get an notification.
  • Hananekokun

    Thanks for your advice. :D

    But I hope to know their message and then join the discussion in due course.

  • broman

    您可以在Windows中关闭通知。 然后,当您在Photoshop中完成后,可以通过按下公会右上角的@按钮来查看最近的提及。 我希望这对你有所帮助,我也在使用翻译。

  • Hananekokun

    謝謝您:D Specially translated into Chinese

    I will try to use this method first.

    I still hope that this feature will be available in the future.

  • galaxycatdev

    This seems like you are using discord in the browser? And on chrome or windows, if so I believe this is where windows puts the notifications and I don’t think discord can change where it is. You can ask that a overlay for photoshop be made and you can use the discord desktop app for that

  • Hananekokun

    Thanks for your advice.

    I am using the discord desktop app.

    I think the message notification is too big.Then I hope I can customize the position on the screen.

    When you use a full-page like this↓↓, If there is a message notification from discord,

    the bottom right corner will be covered and cannot be clicked.


    I believe that discord can make this feature in the future.


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