voice chat chat instant invite
Beantwortetwhen you can do #chat-name do like &voice-chat-name and when you click on it you will be join into Voice chat
stay humble and wholesome
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If you generate a server invite link from the specific channel, the users that click on the link will enter it directly.
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I'm in. I work around this by putting the speaker emoji then the name of the VC in bold but I'd be all for it if it was a feature. Tho there has to be a way to differentiate between text and voice channels then.
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@D Then allow us to invite people who are already in the channel without copy pasting the link to them. Why make everything so inconvenient? It probably takes less time to kick someone from channel then invite them to the voice channel you want than to create a link and send it to them.
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"If you generate a server invite link from the specific channel, the users that click on the link will enter it directly. "
Why i can only send link to the server? Not to voice channel?
When i try to open https://discord.com/channels/discord_guild_id/discord_channel_id
I see text channel always.When i generate invite to the voice channel, i jump to the text channel again.
I can manually open voice channel only.
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