More mention features (playing x, in y voice)
Basically title, the ability to mention people who are playing a specific game at any given time.
Or even mention people in a specific voice channel, possibly even a combination of both, so in a channel playing said specific game.
I can see this being done with a bot, but that would probably clog up the server logs.
It's not worst than @here or @everyone, in fact, it prevents spamming everyone for nothing when you want to find someone to play with. We had the same kind of thinking first before putting it in but it the end it seems to work pretty well. It's not like it would be really hard to add because they already detect the game and have a system for role mention. They just have to store the games in a database if it matches a real game and if the game. They could just add an option for the people that don't want to be tagged on the server. I don't think that this is a lot of work for what it could bring to discord. Discord is a pretty good alternative for teamspeak and this is another step ahead of other software like this.
Yes, you could do it yourself but I end up with 10 or and more game as roles which doesn't end up making sense.
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