Discord on Console
Maybe discord could be in the store for select consoles like Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and Ps4 (The main brands) like twitch or Spotify so you could just open it up and talk instead of having to get on a mobile device and talk when a huge electronic device is sitting in front of you with the capability to run such an app.
deleting threads are we Discord ? :)
-15 -
You can run it on a webbrowser on a PS4, but you can't type or join VCs
-27 -
How would this be possible?
-19 -
Pls upvote. We all want this as a feature for sure
40 -
Unfortunately, the 3DS is on its way out. So, the amount of time it'll take to develop and the userbase for it isn't really worth the work. However, the Switch exists and is doing very well at the moment :D
1 -
How will you type properly on consoles? It is available on mobile and computers which is already viable
-39 -
All pc users downvote. Look at that LOL. Also Console has their own keyboard built in. This obviously will fail because people love to troll on feedback sections. No reason to downvote this.
-20 -
Yeah, what’s the deal with that?
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A console version of the app would be greatly appreciated.
58 -
I am interested too. Thread link does not work.
4 -
It's so weird that it's not a thing already. O.o
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Yeah, discord, can you respond to this thread rather than nuking it?
23 -
don't double post
-8 -
Would be great to have a multi-platform group call
30 -
meh. sorry but i dont like this. so gonna downvote -67 -
Je suis totalement pour le développement de discord sur la Nintendo 3DS
2 -
Discord, this is no duplicate. Please just respond like every good company does.
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The 3DS is approaching 9 years old at this point, so I don't think it's going to happen unfortunately -2 -
Not bad
0 -
this sounds like a great idea!
especially for switch as it has a currently terrible online/vc system!
I don't see the harm in this being implemented to all consoles tbh
12 -
Yeah, I Microsoft Store App will highly be appreciated, Discord.
13 -
please do this
5 -
With Call of Duty: MW coming out with cross platform, it would be great to also have a way to talk between console and pc on a group call.
20 -
Would love to be able to chat will all my bros on other platforms, we need this
16 -
Bumping this!! @discordstaff please work with Microsoft to get this going ASAP!!! I want to be able to play COD with my PC friends and still be able to hear the game itself through my headphones!!
18 -
I agree 4 -
Very interesting and good idea. But, I think that it would be harder for Discord to update and optimize it. And it might also cost them a pretty big amount of money to do that, but I might be wrong. Either way, I'd love to see this feature added sometime down the road from now.
0 -
I mean, an unofficial one was released but it's broken now so I could see potential considering we have Xbox Connections 2 -
@D since i cant post a comment in my suggestion https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360055264392-Xbox-App-Store-Discord-Application#comment-overview i guess i post it here.. so since that the case why dont you guys over there at discord HQ make it happen then since there lot of people wan't a discord app on theirs console like xbox one,ps4 and the nintendo switch
1 -
You can download Discord on Microsoft Store. And you can use Discord on Xbox too. Well, it would be possible, if you vote this idea: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360055273991-I-have-an-idea-to-integrate-Discord-easily-on-Xbox-and-to-improve-the-performance-in-Windows
It just needs a bit of love from we, the users, to make it possible :3
Or, make discord open source and do it myself (but it will never happen)
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