My Server Moderation Suggestions
BeantwortetIdea 1: Create the ability for moderators to mute users server wide. They wouldn't be able to speak in any channel (text and voice) until they are unmuted.
Idea 2: Add the ability to ban reactions in a channel. This would prevent harmful reactions from being used in a safe space (e.g: middle finger reaction in a photography channel).
Idea 3: Add the ability to embed links into text. It looks more professional for some messages.
Idea 4: Create the ability to send out server-wide announcements every 24 hours or so that appear when you click into the server, similar looking to the Discord update GUI thing. I understand you can make an announcement channel, but it, again, would look more professional.
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Hi there! Please keep feedback posts to a single request per post. I'm closing out this ticket as invalid, however, you are free to re-post your feedback as separate posts.
I like these ideas by the way. For all I would say 7/10. Sadly I don’t understand Idea 2. Why a middle finger, what is the point? I suggest making multiple posts about each idea and be more clear. It seems rushed. Which isn’t professional. Haha see what I did there? Because you said multiple times to be more professional... yah that was bad. Anyways bye! ;D
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Never mind I get it now. Sorry. I need to be more professional. Haha see what I did again! :P
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Please someone get what I did for that joke.... D: ^.^
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we get it buddy
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1) Yes. For this action to work, I think something should be done to them in the member list (i.e. their avatar made grey, or an indicator that they're muted. For now, you could create a muted role that has sending permissions disabled and give people you want to mute that role.
2) Why not.
3) I am unsure what you mean by this. Please elaborate.
4) I say no. Pings work fine, as most people read them. The pop-up panels would be awfully annoying in my opinion. Maybe for partnered servers.
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