Reporting User


184 Kommentare

  • FLR

    user ID: 800585084582494219

    menssage ID: 800849441413136424

    Reason for me to report: self entitled hacker trying to sell his illegal activities and convince me to join his scam



    Observations/important mentions:
    1- I don't know him
    2- I don't know how he was able to text me
    3- it seems that we don't have any servers in common
    4- he sent me this on 18 jan 2021 at around 7:09pm (GMT-3 time zone)
    5- (just in case) I'm going to leave the links he sent me here, I don't know wether it might be usefull or not to solve this problem:

    Video that shows you everything.

    Recent student vouch. (Jan 17)

    Z Y T H A S M E N T O R
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  • DustyBawls

    I swear my bestfriend just was rold that a nitro gift code was sent to him thorugh a file. The guy whi send him told him that he was suppose to click that file as soon as he clicked that file he banned by bestfriend. Tge bad thing about this is that my bestfriends ones a server of hundreds of people and my bestfriend has put a lot of prive information that includes his dads n.o at some point of time. The hacker is now able to acess by bestfriend's acc and he can text me as well. If the hacker gets my bestfriend's dad's n.o the hacker can access his dad's commpany and his chats. DISCORD PLS HELP HIM I BEG U. HE CAN GET IN TO GREAT TROUBLE.

  • Baicon boi

    Someone took my account and changed email address and pass

    User id of hacker 776013394317934603

    id of my account that  was taken (if needed) 716638142219943959

  • _fertz_

    usuário relatado: 786666814579015710

    Bom eu tô aqui pedindo que vocês banam a conta dele porque ele é um pedófilo, ele acreditava que uma amiga minha tinha 14 anos e não se importava de fazer coisas com ela....

    bom espero que vocês banam ele rápido, ele também estava ameaçando expor nudes dela também, ele é um perigo para a plataforma.

    Obrigada pela a atenção

  • Rie

    User ID: 433563124327514113

    They intentionally attacked my partner's account after an argument and stole their password. Could not completely take over the account because we were suspicious when the account was online even when my partner was offline. Please take actions against them as soon as possible.

  • ~>Snow^666

    Roubando as pessoas, vendendo nitro, Scammer, roubou um amigo meu e eu, perfil:   id: 300752748322750467
    dinheiro roubado: 125 reais

  • Again

    Reporting a server for sharing out infected files .

    The owners/hackers are :

    They sent a file in a channel (It was supposed to be a cheat)

    I downloaded it. And then they got in my account and nuked a Server with 1k + members. I was a co-owner.
    Hope they get banned and the server gets taken down.

  • X1

    Message ID: 695551646104551434 User ID: 408375759749513236

  • [WM] klanx -LFT

    Reporting User: 503951983229665290

    Reason: Online dating asking pictures of private parts, racism, joking about suicide, and a pervert

    Pic of being racist:

  • [WM] klanx -LFT

    And more racism from 503951983229665290 He Kept Being racist and hes white in irl  And he spammed the n word so much

  • Parkie

     I had two visitors on turnip exchange. They jumped the barriers and started destroying my island. They were the last two on my exchange. I booted but they should be banned.   Phil and Jess. I am not sure I know how to look them up.  Exchange was just now sun aug 9 fizz villa

  • Kali

    Usuário relatado: 747992766449057872

    Motivo: Ele entrou em um servidor de uma amiga minha, e usou um bot (Selfbot eu acho), para apagar os cargos, chats e baniu a maioria dos membros. Ele também fez isso no servidor de um amigo, eu não estava no sv (tinha saido), mas um amigo que tava, me mandou mensagem falando pra tomar cuidado com ele e talz. Ai eu falei q ja conhecia ele e q ele tinha feito isso. Antes disso acontecer, ele copiava algumas coisas (Quase tudo) de um server de rpg que eu era adm, o sv foi raidado (não sabemos por quem, mas suspeitamos dele).

    Vou dxr o id desses 2 amgs: 400407224931057665 / 553558467571613707

  • !Moon ; Star

    Usuario: 683861448279064636

    Motivo: Raidou um servidor do discord do meu amigo juntamente com outra 1 pessoas, e snow: 288062661713723393


  • uwuhope_

    Eu estou denunciando  este hacker




    Motivo:Ele é um hacker,e ta passando coisas pessoais de outros users!

  • DogeLord


    She made me download an exe file for free nitro and then she hacked into my account and sent the n word to everyone. She also invited everyone to her server.

  • Arial

    Server got hacked, including someone’s discord

    788968802868133908, https:/ / this server owner was hacked and transfer owner ship to 632672304744235009, 668096848225107968, 688845409782595600, 770345537038712933

    This server had a bit over 1k

    the original owner of the server was 483766264515526656
    His account got hacked by 688845409782595600

    the one that says emergancy issue with people in vc are the original people who was staff and owner there

    https:/ /

  • Mr killer boy

    ID: 593427216990208000

    Reason: The account got hacked and sending virus links.

  • K.vaczi

    User ID: 607189273912803358
    Reason: DM advertising

  • Usuário Relatado:748295167152226434

    Razão: esta é minha conta secundaria, eu, quando fui trocar o email dessa conta, por engano eu escrevi o email errado, agora eu não consigo mudar de volta nem excluir a conta

  • Rayaan

    I want to report user : 554560482648784906

    He has hacked my account and he is reading my messages and threatening me. Please help.

  • Radon

    User: 433563124327514113 

    This user hacked my account 839829947542405120 but could not completely take over as me and my partner saw that account online even tho i was not using it at the moment and it was not open anywhere. Please take actions against them as soon as possible. The attachment is as below...


  • dxt_jxmeir

    Reporting a user named: Wyatt's Crazy Tech#8868

    ID: 675854384525082637


    Reason: He's lying about where I live, calling me the B word when he's underage, he's bashing my opinions of Zach and thinking I live in Gloucester, I LIVE WAY TOO FAR THERE.


    Message IDs:



  • soled

    BetterDiscord User
    ID: 805594608125870090

  • Usuário de relatório:

    razão: enviando a mesma mensagem muitas vezes (spam)

  • SYSTEM v3 Revision 8

    User A: 662344489570009120

    User B: 662337924263837706


    They both joined at a similar time. They both posted images of mutilated human corpses, schwastickas and white supremacy images. They also spammed these images along with Alabama flags.

    Server ID: 637068664188829706


    Update: I caught another one right before they were about to start doing it


  • Newpixel

    Usuário Relatado - ID : 353839413379465227

    Razão : Scam - Me mandou um arquivo .bat que podeira danificar o meu computador, ofensivo

    Id das mensagens: 662445164182110208  662446009795870742  662446021204377600



  • poggers

    I am reporting a user for asking my friends for "pictures" not just regular pics

    User ID: 622878386712477708

    Picture links:

    Btw the top and bottom vids are tik toks they look like pics they are not.

  • Reportando usuário : 670775702475505705

    Motivo : Foi hackeado agora mesmo(O hacker entrou na conta do meu amigo)

  • Josh

    Guy threating to hack someone in our discord
    The message and his two discord names



  • Nightngale

    This is a weird report but this is a discord bot that is Spamming users a link for Free Nitro scam.



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