Bigger Group Chats!


8 Kommentare

  • Robert Wise YT

    Yes exactly

  • Melonah

    I would also like to either make bigger DM groups or bring the ability for multiple people to video chat in servers. I understand it would not be possible for large amounts of people to video chat at once, but perhaps just only let a certain amount of people share their cameras at once and let the rest just listen and speak. 

  • elunoia

    yes please

  • m4ki


  • Ethereal

    Would be great to have.

    Servers can be clumsy and cluttered. 

    Group DMs are great for example, my teams within our Division. It's getting very crowded.

  • amy.

    i agree, yall need to bring up the limit to at least 15 members or 20.

  • Plainoldbread

    up it to 20 I have too many friends

  • micah.

    Agreed, I would love a new feature called discord chats boost if you have discord nitro (10 dollar one) it should come with 5 boost and if you have the classic it should come with 3 and it should come with perks like if u boost a server like 2 boost add 25 ppl etc like that.


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