Discord new TOS is racist
Despite the fact that many black people say the N word, discord is now terminating accounts for saying the N word, this is a targetted attack against black people and black culture, even during these times and after recent events of BLM discord has the audacity to take this racist stance against black people. Very disappointing.
I'm going to get my point across this and I want it to be clear.
Imagine a Black person using the N-Word on both White and Black people, it seems normal. Now if a White person says the N-Word to a Black person that also says the N-Word, they find it offensive.
I agree with Discord's rules. It doesn't matter what colour you are, you shouldn't be saying the N-Word, even if you're Black.
If you have an issue with Discord keeping racism off their platform, you are part of the problem.
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Couldn't agree more with @MooreMoDz
Anyone that is truly against discrimination (which racism is 1 form of) would say that
either everyone is allowed to use the word or no one.No it's not different, also none of the black people now where alive a 100 years ago (or at least not the ones using the word). Even if they were, if you limit who can use what words based on a discriminatory factor, such as skin colour then you're promoting discrimination instead of helping to get rid of it. Even if you have good intentions.
There shouldn't be any difference in who is allowed what, for most things (Vetting is not discrimination, a fat person won't be allowed into the army. Clearly not discrimination but lacking the right skills/requirements. These are the kind of exceptions I mean when I said most things).
Lastly how the hell do you expect discord to know what skin colour people have? You don't have to enter this info and if you did there would be people who would find it annoying and/or racist. Because why would they need that info?
Resulting in the two options I mentioned that would be fair. Either no one can use the word or everyone. There's no way of policing and even if there was it would be discriminatory if some people were allowed to use it while others wouldn't. Policing everyone and every single message on intent is not realistic and not doable thus everyone or no-one.
If you disagree then give a solid argument as to why. Something you belief or you feel aren't arguments, those are ideas and feelings.
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@Soviet seal
Not everyone white person means it racist either. However as I said it's impossible to police all messages.I once said to a black friend when he ordered chicken for like the 100th time, "N and their chicken", not meant badly in anyway, I didn't even mean to use the word but it subconsciously was there because I have heard similar phrases enough times. That was a verbal slip up, however if I hadn't been good friends there's a high chance others would have thought it was racist.
Point being policing properly is near impossible and even harder through text, as it has no intonation.
Again I don't mind either way, but you have to accept that if some people can use it that everyone can use it.
Every server still has it own admin(s) and maybe mods to enforce the rules of the server.In the end it's a choice,
Either Discord doesn't do anything and let the owners of the servers solve it (would be fair as well) or discord puts some hard/fixed rules in place.Also I'm convinced that one part of the black community wants the N word to be banned, another part wants it to be allowed and another part doesn't care. So it's not like either you nor baby cheese are speaking/representing the entire community. The problem here is that there will always be someone complaining no matter what discord does with this. Ban the word some people will complain, unban/allow the word others will complain.
Also check if this rule is in place for private groups ;)
Usually if you make your own group you won't have to worry/careAlso I suggest reading this article, it should help you understand a bit better how discord operates. https://www.pcgamer.com/how-private-is-your-private-discord-server/
They're trying to do what they think will provide the best results.9 -
@baby cheese could you link to the TOS page and copy-paste the line/phrase that actually says this?
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How will they know that when the n word is being used by 95% of Discord users, and as I read above it’s not always aiming it towards others, it can be said in general. Discord would have to terminate 95% of all the Discord users because of it, leaving Discord with hardly any users left. Dark skinned people say it, and some I know don’t mind it and they say it too. How can you punish every Discord member for saying it when Discord would have to watch every conversation in every channel and every server 24/7, to “catch” people saying the n word even once and get the instant termination punishment. I refuse to say it and don’t like that word at all, mostly because I have mix members in my family, and I’m not disrespectful like most people are. I’m one who stands up for people and all differences, and help when I can that’s following the rules and help those who are being honest yet get hurt anyway.
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As a Black/Asian person, I honestly think discord pulled a bad one on this.
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yeah, im all for ridding the platform of white supremacy, but uh, id rather have my privacy, that was one of the last things keeping me using discord
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To be frank, the two comments at the beginning were quite stupid.
One, you as a white person or someone who is not black should not make those decisions on wether we should or not use the n word.Two, Not everyone is gonna be satisfied with the new update, it happens pretty often. So you're free to complain about Discord TOS is "racist" when you can use tons of other words in the dictionary. The n word shouldnt be even use religously like it is.
To make it short: Be quiet, it's not that deep.
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You've clearly misunderstood and not properly read the comments, especially my own comment.
"... either everyone is allowed to use the word or no one." (second phrase first paragraph can't be missed)That was my point/argument, if you want to use it go ahead, HOWEVER do not complain if someone else uses it and especially do not go complaining when someone doesn't get banned for it (I already explained why that's an unreasonable request for many reasons).
Another important point, I asked the OP if they could link to this new rule.
"@baby cheese could you link to the TOS page and copy-paste the line/phrase that actually says this?"
Because I couldn't find it, not saying the rule doesn't exist but at least I would like to see and read it in the actual TOS of discord.
Lastly what gives you the right to speak and why should others shut up, everyone person regardless of their appearance has the right to make a comment/speak.
So instead of calling others stupid, when you don't read everything properly yourself, why do you not first post the exact rule from the discord TOS and a link to it?
Secondly I don't see anything stupid about saying either everyone can use the word or no-one can. I don't mind if you do but keep in mind the more you use it the more the word will persist and the more others will use it (basic human psychology, sociology and language).
I have never heard a sound argument why it would not be racist if only a subset of the population is allowed to use a word, based on birth-determined features.
Be my guest and try to give a sound argument based on logical reasoning (I don't care how you feel about it or any of that stuff, too often I hear people say things like, "because that is right" or "because that is how I feel it is", those are not arguments just them claiming they're right without reason).
Please first show the exact rule in the TOS of discord (haven't seen it yet).
Either everyone can use the word or no-one.7 -
I called the comment stupid, not them themselves. Also, most of the people saying this are white. Three, I am somebody, never told anyone to shut up (don't be vulgar luv.) I suggested they be quiet if the desicion isn't yours to make.
Also, wasn't speaking to you.
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You were speaking to me as you addressed my comment. You said my comment is stupid, implying that I'm either stupid, ignorant or whatever reason there could be to write something stupid. Especially since you just said the comment is stupid without reason.
The comment which main message is:
"Either no one can use the word or everyone."
That phrase is in there multiple times.
Then you say, yes mostly white people say it and saying that is stupid (no arguments or anything).And yes telling someone to be quiet is the same as telling someone not to speak.
"To make it short: Be quiet, it's not that deep."
Might be more polite but the message is still the same. ESPECIALLY saying that if you're not black you can not respond here is a form of discrimination, called racism. I've always learned if you do not want something to happen to you then definitely do not do it to others.It's also not your decision to make.
The only "people" that can actually make the decision is Discord.Lastly STILL HAVE NOT SEEN THE RULE IN THE TOS NOR A LINK TO IT. (I have searched for the n word and it isn't explicitly written in their online TOS)
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Everyone should be able to say it, words are words, stop being so offended by everything, freedom of speech, simple as that.
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@Baby Cheese, again I don't have a problem with that.
My argument has always been everyone or no-one.
I also agree that people get offended too easily nowadays just by words that they associate negative meaning to.
However if you clearly say something is stupid then I do find that either ignorant or offensive (especially when you do not explain why).
Nonetheless, I HAVE STILL NOT SEEN THE LINE IN THE TOS OF DISCORD that bans specific words including the specific n word talked about here. I've asked it a few times and I have yet to see someone copy-paste the exact phrase from the TOS nor have I see anyone link to it (or the section where it says so).
So instead of continuing this discussion why do YOU not first show that this rule is actually in the TOS, I wasn't able to find it (might have missed it). However since you made this post you should definitely have seen it and know where it is.
If that line is not there then this whole discussion doesn't matter. Keep in mind a person banning you from their server is not Discord but the owner/admin/mod of that server.
Also something that annoys me a lot is the pot calling the kettle black, in other words people that are hypocrite (knowingly or unknowingly). So anyone that has a problem with racism (which I think is most people) should make sure they don't make the mistake of themselves doing something discriminatory (racism is a sub-category of discrimination).7 -
I think that users who use racial slurs (with a "hard R" or not) should be given a WARNING. They could get suspended for a while if they continue. Ban as a last resort. I'm against racial slurs, but it would kill Discord. Tons of people find it offensive, including me. If you are black or white - it still can be seen as racism.
To sum it up: Racial slur = warning. If they keep on saying it = account suspension. Ban as a last resort.
This is a good compromise, no? If they quickly ban, it'll wipe many servers. If they don't do anything, racism won't be good.
Also, Baby Cheese. If you don't have a problem with racial slurs and use "freedom of speech", you are part of the problem. And to be honest, people who use the "freedom of speech" card just need an excuse for breaking the Discord ToS.
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I've mentioned this before, people just have different opinions about this (regardless of skin colour). That will unfortunately probably always be the case.
I agree people should stop arguing about this.
My arguments is simple, no one has posted or shown yet that this rule is actually is in the TOS of Discord. After so much time and so many posts I really am starting to think this rule doesn't even exist. I think baby cheese got confused with some other rule or a server rule.THIS DISCUSSION IS POINTLESS UNTIL SOMEONE SHOWS THAT THIS IS ACTUALLY IN THE TOS OF DISCORD.
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Good point. Can somebody pull the ToS for us?
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hi, freedom of speech isnt freedom of punishment from said speech, and discord tos is here: https://discord.com/new/terms
i couldnt find anywhere in the tos where it specifically outlined where it was banned but i got this:
"These rules of use are not meant to be exhaustive, and we reserve the right to determine what conduct we consider to be a violation of the Terms, Community Guidelines or improper use of the Service and to take action including termination of your Account and exclusion from further participation in the Service."
in the community guidelines, https://discord.com/new/guidelines, however,
still no mention of it, so it's a bit of a grey area
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To be honest this rule is kinda lame, it's only here because of what's happening in this world in the past and was never a rule to begin with, in the end it's just a word, if someone calls you that and you find it offensive, then block the account or ban it from a server, it's not worth banning over a word.
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How am I being respectful for saying a simple word? It really isn't being racist if you say it out of context or in general it isn't focused towards anyone sure ig it can be offensive but that's only if you let the word offend you I have black friends and some of them don't care if I say it, and for the record, these days, it has lost its meaning anyone can say it either out of context, for no reason (which is just saying it), and it people don't even use it towards its actual meaning which is calling africans that word because they were slaves and were used to do things for slave owner, I don't see anyone being a slave where I am, maybe that's different for you. It's just a word, it doesn't really affect anyone, don't let a single word bring you down, and I respect servers that have this rule, but the problem is that if there isn't a rule for that in a server then what's the point of banning someone, let alone get worked up over it unless the majority of the server gets offended or just doesn't like people saying, either everyone can or no one can.
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It actually is helping my case, I have tons of black friends and some of the that I actively talk with don't really care if I say it, hell they say it too, in the end in this era of time, it's just a word.
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I agree with @..., having black friends isn't an excuse to say the n-word, and it never will be an excuse.
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So you're saying since I'm black the white friends I have can say the n word? Makes total sense. Dumbass.
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your free speech on digital platforms is bypassed.
if you want free speech stop using this platform.it's sadly that simple however because it's been the most polished platform the only way to fix it would be if a digital bill of rights that deem only illegal activity harmful.
calling someone a bad word is part of life, you have an ignore setting for those users.
Discord admins also should be the ones to block, and ban from their communities not the whole platform.
another problem is the "PROTECTED CLASS"
the only reason they are protected is because it's the only way they can avoid getting shamed or criticized or mocked and ridiculed.
also people of those protected classes are the ones administrating the platform. (so they power trip often)-6 -
@cheruriibee Exactly
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@ArcadeAlchemist that's bullshit. I've been called the hard r on discord and the person who called me that was white and I'm black and find it offensive and he's still on Discord. Obviously the "freedom of speech" isn't enforced.
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The stupidity of people these days? Just because discord wants to moderate inappropriate words on their platform does not mean they're targeting black people. Honestly people try to use their stupidity for a valid reason these days.
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Despite the fact that the historical meaning of it historically? You're gonna call them racist? White people were proven to have made the word, why do you get to say it and not us? That's what I don't understand. If you can say it to us, isn't that inequality, which is what you're aiming against??
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So @... you want to say that
"Free speech =/= hate speech.
Well in terms of the legal side of issues there is no legal definition of Hate speech in US law. The supreme court has defend the right of citizens to say whatever they want as long as it isn't a call to violence or causes harm to others (Hence why you cant say fire in a movie theater unless there is one). So the fact of the matter and what most people are going to be trying to say when they bring up free speech is that Discord is a service that is based in the USA, therefore it is required to follow United states law. Which is true they are required at minimum to follow US law and that is all they need to enforce in there platform.
There is a fine line between what is legal, and social reproductions' Morals some people will find it wrong to say while others will see it as another word. The issue is trying to find a line were the company does not cross the line that people feel is alright on what to and not to Say.
sears 𝄞
So with your quote "So you're saying since I'm black the white friends I have can say the n word? Makes total sense. Dumbass."
They are not saying since you are a gentlemen of African decent that your various friends can say the Gamer words. In some cases other Africans might not be offended by the word. So they might allow their friends to say the word openly and freely with there express permission.-1 -
@[JAC]Jesus I'm not a "descendant" My mom is Nigerian. And so are her parents and so on.
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I kind of hate to say it, but I support the ToS on removing anyone that uses the slang, it shouldn't matter regardless of what your skin color is the word shouldn't be used at all considering we have underaged kids under the age of 18 we don't need them to start using the slang.
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