what does the "unable to load profile banner, badges, and about me" mean


20 Kommentare

  • Yeah it's pretty weird if you ask me I would also like to know


  • Jakepaul

    Yes upvote someone please respond with knowledge on this subject.

  • MyTips

    it seems to happen when you used to share servers with someone, but haven't since the rollout of bios

  • northstar

    same here, i see it on someone's profile who is my not friend.

  • northstar

    lol i solved it, dc not allowing non-friends show to your bio.

  • LegitSi

    Oh hey, there's a genuine possibility I was one of the accounts he checked. We were friends a while back but drifted apart long ago. I had this same question, and I looked it up. Found this post and immediately noticed the author of the post. That couldn't be him.. could it? Checked on my Discord and lo and behold, he was.

    That's some incredible serendipity right there.

  • Cat Bot

    @LegitSi I don’t remember you. Did you change your name or something, what server did you originally find me in?

  • anony

    i also find it,i think its because you had send messanger to him before(you have same server) ,but there is no common server between you now. And they close the private of this "allow the private message from server",so you would see that and also you won't see him online anymore.

  • !Jenn

    If they aren't in the same server as you and not friends at you at the same time, it will hide their info.

  • jxay

    "If they aren't in the same server as you and not friends at you at the same time, it will hide their info." 

    yeah kinda its annoying but its reasonable, i guess.


  • jxay

    yeah its kinda*

  • vvs

    I can't load my own badges or about me 

  • OnlyUnkownGuy

    same i cant load my own badges or about me 

  • Exaskliri

    I just discovered that this also happens if whoever has the profile blocks you, even if both of you are from the same server.

  • i am a gamer

    To put it simply, the reason why you see the Discord Unable to Load Profile Banner, Badges and About Me bio is because they are not on the same server as you and not your Discord friend as well. Due to this privacy reason, that user’s profile information will be hidden from you.

    So, how to fix it and be able to see the data? Well, if you know the person or want to get to know them, you can send them a friend request. Or you can have a common server where both of you are added in. This is when you will be able to load their bio and other information. If not, there is no way or workaround to make it happen. This is not a bug but a feature designed to keep the personal data of users private from those that are not connected to you in any way.

  • Exaskliri

    It seems that the "blocker's hidden bio" rule doesn't apply anymore.

  • Alora

    I'm having the same issue, but it keeps me from seeing ALL my friend's profiles and it's all my servers. It's EVERY profile.

  • Blue me Thetys

    I'm having the same problem as Alora.
    I started checking through the users of a server I'm in, out of curiosity, to see what our Mutual Servers were. A couple of them would not show (no profile banner, no mutual servers), which is a bit bizarre because we clearly both were in the same server.

    Eventually, the (!) sign started showing up on EVERY user, including my friends, so I cannot see anybody's banners anymore.

  • Kontoru-sama

    this feature is kinda sucks. what if i send a friend request to a wrong person?

  • Arash

    because that user, is blocking you.


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