This article explains how users covered by the European Union’s Digital Services Act (“DSA”) can exercise certain rights. Parts of the DSA only apply to certain online spaces (called “online platforms”) and to certain types of actions by those platforms. That’s all to say that not every report or action on Discord will be eligible for action under the DSA.
We work hard to remove violative content and bad actors from our services. This includes responding to user reports about content. The easiest way to report content that violates our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines is through our in-app reporting surfaces. Certain users also have the option to report illegal content under the DSA through this webform.
The DSA also provides specific appeal rights for certain users. If the DSA applies to you and you think we’ve made a mistake in arriving at one of the decisions listed below, you have six months to appeal our decision through our internal appeals process. A link to appeal Discord’s decision can be found on the violation notice.
You may also appeal a decision on your account directly in the Discord app by going to User Settings > Privacy & Safety > selecting the decision you want to appeal > Let us know.
Please keep in mind that these DSA appeals mechanisms only apply to decisions about the following, if they are made on the ground that information provided is illegal or violates our Terms of Service:
- removing or disabling access to or restricting visibility of content;
- suspending or terminating access to Discord (in whole or in part);
- suspending or terminating a user’s Discord account; or
- suspending, terminating, or restricting a user’s ability to monetize their Discord activity.
You may also have the option of selecting an out-of-court dispute settlement body certified by an EU Member State’s Digital Services Coordinator to help resolve a dispute relating to any such decision. The European Commission will maintain a website listing the available settlement bodies as they become certified. Discord will work with the out-of-court settlement body where required by law, but is not bound by any decisions made by these out-of-court settlement bodies. Discord also has the right not to engage with an out-of-court dispute settlement body if a dispute has already been resolved concerning the same information and the same grounds.