Soundmoji are short audio clips that Discord users can share in text channels through the expression picker. This Soundboard-integrated feature plays sounds individually for each user who clicks them, and is available within DMs, servers, and group chats.
What are Soundmoji?
Imagine an emoji, but with sound—a Soundmoji! These playful audio snippets offer an exciting new way to express yourself through sound in chat.
Soundmoji extends the Soundboard feature to text channels, allowing you to share short audio clips that others can press to play. The sound plays only for the user who selects the Soundmoji. You can send and receive these sounds through the expression picker in direct messages, servers, and group chats.
How to Upload Sounds for Soundmoji
Soundmoji use the same sounds available in a server's Soundboard feature.
1. To upload a new Soundmoji to a server, press the drop-down menu to the right of the server’s name and select Server Settings > Soundboard.
2. There, press the Upload Sound button and complete all fields in the Upload a Sound pop-up window.
3. Select Upload to confirm, and you’re done!
How to Upload Soundmoji Sounds to the Soundboard on Desktop
How to Send a Soundmoji
To send a Soundmoji, follow these steps:
1. Open your emoji picker in any text channel, text-in-voice, or direct message.
2. Select the Soundmoji tab in the upper-left corner.
3. Choose the Soundmoji you want to send. You can send the Soundmoji alone or add accompanying text.
Example of Sending a Soundmoji in Text Channel on Desktop
Adjusting Soundmoji Volume on Desktop
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I change the volume or opt out for Soundmoji?
To adjust Soundmoji volume, go to User Settings > Voice & Video > Soundboard > Soundmoji Volume and move the slider to your preferred level. This setting syncs across all your devices. Setting the volume to 0% will mute all Soundmoji sounds—note that this is separate from the Soundboard Volume setting.
Q: Why can't I access the Soundmoji feature even though I can view it?
A: The Soundmoji feature is currently part of a Nitro perk experiment, available to a limited number of Nitro users. If you can view but not access it, you are not part of the experiment group that can send this feature.
Q: Can I use a Soundmoji as a reaction to a message?
A: Soundmoji can only be sent in text channels, DMs, or text-in-voice channels. They cannot be used as message reactions.