Are there any Discord plugins/extensions/mods that remove gg sans font?
I really really wish my discord didn't have gg sans font. Does anyone have any ways to permanently change it back? I think someone said you can edit the font via console, but you have to redo it every time you open discord and I don't want to do that.
Right now my only solution is to exclusively use Discord on my phone, since it doesn't have the new font and hopefully won't get it, but that's not convenient so I am using Discord less.
If anyone has any solutions then that would be great.
I haven't used Discord extensions before but I just started using an adBlocker recently so maybe now is a good time to start using Discord modification thingies too.
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Discord should add an option in the UI which allows you to toggle the font back to legacy. That's like. Extremely basic shit. I know they're excited about their "shiny new" font but unfortunately they really need to send it back to the design team.
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If you can use the extension Stylebot (Chrome and Brave) or Stylish (Firefox), you can have it insert this CSS code when the website you are looking at is
:root { --font-primary: "Noto Sans","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; --font-display: "Noto Sans","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
Otherwise, there are no workarounds, and that's incredibly difficult to navigate for non-programmers. They need to fix this as soon as possible because it's not acceptable to cause people migraines from a font that is not done correctly.
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