Category Restrictions Expanded
Currently, if a channel has separate role requirements from its category's requirements, it overrides the category's requirements and it shows you the channel if you have its specified role. I don't see a reason why this needs to be the case, and I would like to see the category restrictions act not as a default, but as a restriction on viewing the category entirely, so that if you had a role that would grant you access to the category, then you can see the category's channels with default requirements, but if you had a role that would grant you access to a channel within that category, without having the role that would grant access to the category itself, you still wouldn't see the channel because it'd require you to have the category's respective requisite role.
Now if there is a reason for this that I'm unaware of, the next best thing, or perhaps something that would be neat to implement anyway would be an "and" system for requisite roles, an option to say "You need this AND this role to have access to this channel"
effectively an
if(role1 && role2) user.grantAccess();
Though, were this implemented I would also advise it have an unlimited amount of conditions or "ands" you have to satisfy.
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