Dyslexic and Visually Impaired Accessibility?
Add options for custom fonts, colors, sizes, etc. for those who need easier visual access. I am dyslexic and cannot use the desktop app because of the font style. The most I can do is zoom in on my system to make the entire application bigger, but that doesn't help much at all. I would also like to add a colorblind mode to make the app more accessible to those who are colorblind (this especially is an issue with the online status bubbles), as well as a custom background color option. I have several friends who need to use the dark theme for eye strain reasons, and several friends who need to use the light theme because they have some form of blindness and need that higher contrast. Making a custom background color, like the member role custom color options, would be perfect for people who need a kind of grey that is in the middle, or for colorblind people who need a different color all together. please help me. www.mygeorgiasouthern.edu
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