Name change = Community Disservice
Sending you guys feedback about the username change announcement. Very upsetting. You can put all the positive words you want around it, but this will give people LESS control over their username. Numerical discriminators were BRILLIANT. Anybody could use whatever name they preferred thanks to that system, even if over nine thousand other people liked the name too, thanks to the numerical discriminator system. I'm frankly sickened by the condescension in the announcement, of "numbers were probably hard for your friends and family to remember!", which couldn't be more insulting.
I WILL be canceling my Nitro and server boost subscriptions if Discord really does roll out the username system change. I can live without dancing emojis, but I will not pay to support a platform that thinks it can remove a brilliant unique feature that provided ACTUAL freedom of expression while simultaneously talking down to those users with nonsense like "just add periods and underscores if your preferred name is already taken." What on God's polluted Earth makes you think you can seriously suggest that remembering nonsense like "__._kek..ek___." is EASIER for "friends and family to remember" than just four unique numbers after our names?
This marks a significant downward turn and I'm not going to keep throwing money at a sinking foundation.
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Unsubscribed from nitro. Cannot support a company that makes braindead decisions like this.
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Absolutely agreed. This will be a horrible change
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