Setting to prevent new server members from seeing old messages
Been asking for many years for a setting to make it so that new members only see messages sent from after they joined, not every message that's ever been sent in the server.
You've been working on this username change for years, but we've been asking for useful features like this for longer.
I might be okay with losing my 0001 after years of supporting Discord with Nitro and being an Early Adopter IF MY MONEY WAS ACTUALLY GOING TOWARDS DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTING FEATURES I ACTUALLY WANTED.
this already exists?
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heres what the permission is called lol
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That is absolutely not what I'm talking about.
That setting means that every member, all the time, only sees messages in a specific channel *when they are online*
If you're set to "away" when people are talking in that channel, or if you're just *looking in a different channel*, you won't see any replies - only posts made *while you are online and focused on this channel* (literally what it says in your screenshot!)
You're in a channel, chatting. You click into a different channel to post. You come back to the first channel = you don't see any of the posts made while you were looking at the second channel. I can only think of extremely niche reasons this even exists, but hey, they had the time to put this in!
The setting requested:
NEW members, just joining a server, only see messages posted after the time they join, not the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE SERVER.
You made a very confident, very wrong reply.
Read better next time.
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Also you only joined here to defend the name change topic which isn't even the issue of this thread, you're a bad faith troll being purposely obtuse and down voting people's criticisms.
Meanwhile I've never had discord be responsive to anything I've raised, not even a stupid canned corporate-speak template "we understand your concerns" type reply. Even EIon's stupid a** drops a "looking into it" sometimes.
Back specifically to the issue:
Quite literally I've asked for what the *default* is at *every* other chat program ever, from way back in the heydays of IRC, AOL chatrooms, to iqc, Skype etc.
What is even the point of this support forum?
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I would love to see this implemented. Being able to see every message sent ever, by default (as a new server member), always struck me as weird.
The one exception I could see for this are channels like announcements, news, and other important stuff where the post date is less relevant, but I support the concept/implementation as a whole.
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