Use QR Codes and/or a search system for adding friends in person instead of removing discriminators
I would actively benefit from this change because I could get my @abadhaiku tag like I got on YouTube, and even I think this is objectively a bad change. You're replacing one problem (case and symbols in usernames) for a whole HOST of new problems, and then adding the old problem back in on top of it.
Just add a search system for adding friends. If I wanted to friend someone named "bill#1234" but I didn't know the case or symbols, let me enter that into the search box and have it show "Bill#1234", "bIll#1234", "bill#1234", or even "bill c1pher#1234" - any username with that substring that has that discriminator.
For the "vernacular" problem, just add some character substitutions to the search algorithm and move the results further down the list than the alphanumeric ones.
I agree that it's terribly hard to add a friend in person, but adding my weeb friend named "Asura (Japanese characters)" could also be done via _QR code_, which you've already added for login.
There are many other solutions to this problem that *actually solve the problem*.
don't forget to voice concerns here so that they're all in one place.
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