Require Pin When Switching Accounts
One of the main reasons to have separate accounts is to separate your personal or general Discord usage from your private Discord usage (for safety purposes or discretion purposes).
It would be nice to be able to "require pin on account switch" to prevent someone with physical access to one of my devices from being able to easily access a second account.
Currently, to maintain privacy, I have to constantly sign out of / sign back into my second account to prevent someone from:
- Discovering that account and easily linking it to my personal/general account.
- Accessing that account which is more sensitive / could cause damage if exposed to the wrong people.
I don't think the pin should be turned on by default, but would be a nice toggle setting to add. This could also be expanded to simply locking Discord behind biometric auth or pin on computers and mobile devices when the system is locked or goes to sleep.
I like this idea. :)
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@Discord is there any progress on this? Seems like a very straightforward and reasonable request.
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