Do NOT remove the discrimnator
The Discriminator (the numbers at the end of a username) are a revolutionary part of discord and removing them will certainly cause unforeseen consequences. Users will leave the app / site and move on to different places to hang out virtually. The discriminator made it so much easier to remember and search for people. so even if some users have the same name the discriminator would differentiate them, and when i say "unforeseen consequences" i mean many people would leave and or cancel their nitro subscriptions because of the ability to change the discriminator. I feel it would be best to keep the discriminator
You are correct! You are absolutely right. I'm moving to Revolt, and I suggest you do too, after canceling your Nitro and citing this as the reason why.
Please also talk about this - via vote and comment - on the main thread here! share with your pals, and get them to pull their Nitro support and move too!
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