Unneeded Username Change
To put it simply, trying to be like every other app on how to make their usernames isn't needed. Don't force people to be 100% unique because there's only so many words and names you can combine until you can't make anymore, either from someone who doesn't even use discord not deleting their account therefore making others incapable of using that name or simply because creativity can only go so far. What this does is just set people up to make discriminators IN their username (example, something I've seen many do on other apps: "Phibi0001"). You don't need to add this change because you can COPY AND PASTE the username or just SHOW the person you're telling your discord to your device because there's no excuse to not be able to. We leave with our phones in hand constantly, there's no way anyone in the world can't just take their phone out and show their friend their discord account or log into some local computer real quick to show them. If people aren't being clear enough with others on how their username is spelt that's on them, taking the discriminator won't change that issue if the person still doesn't clarify what letters in their name is uppercase or not.
You can copy and paste both the username AND discriminator together, which is what I've done for many friends online. Therefore there's no reason for people to struggle with typing it into texts or into the system at all either because you dont even have to- just paste whats been copied into what you need it for and it works, the only people struggling are people who don't know the concept of copy and paste yet. If someone else told you to friend someone you arent in direct contact with and they know them, you could just ASK the person telling you to friend that person to give you the copy n pasted user or make a group chat so you can contact them. If this is such a big issue, then just make a more clear copy and paste button when people click on profiles. I use copy and paste for users often especially due to helping moderate a big server myself, it's easy and once you have the user copied you often can still use it after the user leaves the server.
Finding the usernames and utilizing the discriminator system isn't rocket science, it's way easier that having to manually scroll through hundreds of Phibis that all have their usernames just so slightly different from each other trying to guess who is the person you're looking for. With how you want your system to work, if we just so happen to spell Phiibi instead of Phibi, we'll accidentally send a friend request to whoever Phiibi is instead regardless!! You're making more trouble than we need just to look cool and trendy like the other apps- when Discord ISNT other apps, it's different and easy to use and THAT is the whole appeal. Each change your team tries to push onto discord to make it more modern like other apps just makes the app run worse! I've crashed hundreds of times just from changing the chat formats and now you want to take people's names based off who isn't in contact with important people, who hasn't PAID money for a free app, and whose isn't a discord oldie??? Yeah- what a welcoming image you are setting Discord up to have to new people. There are some good changes I'll give you that, like the icon accessories, updated file size, voice messages, and the soundboard- but it's just what this team tries to modernize of already existing discord set ups that causes issues.
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