Convenient, simple and stylish navigation
Hi everybody! I would like to suggest slightly modifying, transforming and visualizing some hotkeys for a more intuitive and faster use of Discord. In order to press Alt+ ( <- or -> ) to move and return, you can add these buttons to the panel or to the message itself, in order to quickly return back to the topic that made the link to the message. Which in my opinion will greatly simplify and speed up work with some groups. It's just that I myself recently found out that there are such hotkeys and in order to get back I scrolled back to the right topic on the right message. And so visually everything is simple and clear and fast enough to use and you don't have to memorize hotkeys, especially for beginners. What do you think about this?
p.s. it will also be convenient for a mobile application where there seem to be no "hot keys"
p.p.s. I apologize for my terrible "photoshop" I tried to convey the idea in a hurry. And also for possibly a crooked translation into English.
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