Under 13 users



  • Saluki

    Unfortunately the reason under 13 users are not allowed, is mainly due to data protection laws set in place by governments, and there is not much that Discord can do about these.

  • The_Black_Fox

    Well people under 13 probably don’t have much data

  • Saluki

    That doesn't have any impact on COPPA though, and it's not about the amount of data, it's about having any data from minors.

  • The_Black_Fox

    Well yes. But people that are 14 are still minors. But I do understand why discord has the rules. It makes sense. But I use discord and I’m under 13 and it’s one of the greatest things that has happened to me.


  • The_Black_Fox

    That is the point I wanted to get across.

  • Saluki

    The main reason that Discord has this age restriction is because of the law. This means that they can't do anything about the age limit, even if they wanted to.

  • The_Black_Fox

    I know. I’m not disagreeing with it either. I just wanted to say what I said and go down in a glorious fire. But ima make an alt soooo. It doesn’t matter.

  • R E G E X

    All fun and games till the cops show up. 

  • The_Black_Fox

    The cops wont come. Discord will just ban me.

  • shitlol

    I wouldn't openly say you're making an alt cause of getting banned as that is ban evasion which is against discord TOS. As the others said, the age rule is to protect not only you but themselves for legal reasons.

  • The_Black_Fox

    Well they would have no way of knowing it was me making my alt

  • Saluki

    Well, they could very easily tell if you were making an alt. Each device has a unique MAC address as well as a HWID, these are completely unique and can identify a device. With things like GeoIP and other similar technologies they would be able to identify someone without too much difficulty. Whether they do use this though I'm not sure, as it may negatively impact people who share devices.

    But my point is there are plenty of ways for them to detect alts, as there are so many different ways to uniquely identify a user that they could if they wanted to.

  • The_Black_Fox

    I made my account on my iPad. I’ll make my alt on my computer.

  • shitlol

    Doesn't matter! They have your MAC address and your hardware ID plus the IP you use. They can detect the alt using the same IP as the banned account and ban the alt and most likely IP ban you so you can't make any more accounts. So, just wait till you're 13 to use this platform.

  • The_Black_Fox

    I’m doing it on a different device

    plus, they haven’t banned me yet

  • shitlol

    Buddy, I know you're young but you got to understand that discord can and will find out about the alt by looking at the accounts on your IP address. It doesn't matter what you do, they'll know that it's you and just IP ban yea. You can't hide from them under a different IP address OR device. 

  • thezombie

    so creating a alt after getting an account banned is considered ban evasion?


  • The_Black_Fox

    I think so. (Sorry for the really long response time thezombie


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