Do Not Disturb Whitelist (Feature Recommendation)
I and it seems many others (See bottom of post) think a "Do Not Disturb Whitelist" would be a nice feature for Discord to have.
Basic Idea:
When Do Not Disturb mode is enabled, certain Users, Group DM's, and Servers are able to be put on a Whitelist which allows them to bypass your Do Not Disturb status.
In turn this would make messages from said user, group or server function as if you were on Online mode. (Send notifications, etc.)
For ease of reading the next few parts, I will refer to Users, Group DM's, and Servers as "Chats".
Also, Do Not Disturb will be shortened to DND.
Menu's or UI:
When given the context menu by right clicking on a chat, you are given an option to Add or Remove said chat from the whitelist.
If you add a chat to the whitelist, it will show up in a menu that can be found in your User Settings.
In the DND Menu located in User Settings you are able to remove chats from your whitelist, or select multiple chats to remove at once.
Discussing Criticisms/Counters to this Idea:
"The problem with that is it completely defeats the entire purpose of do not disturb."
(First comment on: Special messages for users who are always on "do not disturb" by Ben!)
I do understand Ben!'s point of view, but I don't really think that alone can justify binning the idea. DND Whitelist doesn't necessarily defeat the purpose of DND, it just makes it easier to "Mute" all other conversations except for a few, kind of like a "Focus Mode".
Yes "Do Not Disturb" means you don't want to be disturbed at all, but sometimes you want a select few people to be able to reach you, and it just isn't a feasible option to go through each chat you have and Mute them, then individually unmute them later.
Maybe as a counter proposition to that they could add a status called "Focus" which is active when you have DND on and you have chats whitelisted. There are some issues with my Focus idea, but its a possibility.
Edit (Dec 12, 2021):
As of iOS 15, Apple has added a new feature to iOS called "Focus" which adds on top of Do Not Disturb mode to allow for certain apps and people of your choosing to still be able to get your attention.
They've also added the ability to create different "Focuses" so you can easily change your focus based on what you're doing.
I think an implementation of this system for Discord, potentially even including the grouping feature, would be a nice addition.
End ---
"Right-click user that u don't want notifications from, press mute user. You can also do this with servers. Also when you do this, you have to be idle or online. If you still get mentioned from server or user, the person can change notification settings(by right-clicking) and turn it to none."
(Comment on: Special messages for users who are always on "do not disturb" by Modulo)
Like I said previously, sometimes this option isn't feasible. I like FoxFireUnknownYT's reply to this thread that explains more of what I am trying to say.
"Yeah this is not that great of an idea, just try and find another way to contact him if its that important?"
(Comment on: Special messages for users who are always on "do not disturb" by plantbob)
I don't think the main reason why most people want the feature is down to the importance of the message. For me, its down to accessibility, and the fact that sometimes I would like certain people to be able to reach me even if I am trying to suppress notifications from most if not all my conversations.
The accessibility part being that I think it would be a lot easier not having to communicate on an entirely different application just for that kind of "whitelist" freedom. One issue being if said people you want to talk to don't want to or aren't able to get a different application you propose to them.
What I am trying to get at is that its down to ease of access or "quality of life". People request it as a feature because of the fact that using alternatives or workarounds is annoying and/or a hassle.
Well that concludes my post. If you made it this far down I appreciate you for reading this the whole way through.
I'm open to any criticism and thoughts so please let me know if you have any!
Other posts talking about this topic:
WhiteLists For Do Not Disturb Notifications - This Would Override Do Not Disturb For The People You Have Whitelisted
Exceptions in Do Not Disturb mode
A Whitelist for "do not disturb" mode.
Whitelist for Do Not Disturb
That is a really Good idea id say I would like that myself also
1 -
Great idea, would be really useful for a lot of people
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