Discord crashes after inserting a new line into message box.



  • Tecci

    I have figured out a temporary fix that works for me, atleast, guys!!!! If you go into Settings > Text & Images and disable `Preview, emojis, mentions, and markdown syntax as you type` at the bottom, you will be able to insert new lines.

    I believe this is due to poor handling of the case when there's a new line character inserted (i.e this: \n )

  • Ddogwildone1

    I have the exact same problem. I've noticed that not a large amount of people has this bug. This has only started to happen about two days ago. It's really frustrating. Hope this helps.

  • Cleora

    I have the same problem. If the message is to long, or even when trying to start a new line, my discord crashes. It's affecting my online work which is my ONLY work and people don't use skype anymore and discord is the best for getting in contact with online companies LIVE without having to wait HOURS or DAYS for a email response. It also seems that it doesn't like certain words because even if its a short sentence it seems to crash. Not sure what triggers the crash but it seems like certain letters together do the job. 

  • Syl

    Apparently this also happens to me since the last few days so hopefully it gets fixed soon

  • Tecci

    The certain letter combination crashing discord doesn't happen to me, Cleora, so that's a seperate issue, i guess.

  • PlexterIP

    It says it's beta, fixed my issue so far. Thanks haha

  • JamJam

    same thing has been happening to me, v v annoying :/


  • Lightning

    Same thing keeps happening to me to. This same thing with copy and pasting was happening to me to


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