[Idea] Add a Stage Channel Pop-Out Text Chat



  • Lavi

    just saw the update! nice idea! 

  • Aiden

    Linking it to a pre existing text channel to appear in the stage view would be great as well for those who like reading the chat after.

  • chaduos

    PapaD2715 This idea was created way before threads were released, but that's my vision entirely! Discord already has split-client functionality now with Threads, so why not bring it over to Stage Channels as well! 

  • Ryan.

    This would really cool if Discord could become a replacement for other platforms such as Zoom or Google Meet. Would be funny to wake up for classes and you open Discord! 

  • chaduos

    Aiden That's also a great idea! Although it wouldn't be for everyone. And if they were to go down this route, I'd hope for the ability to enable/disable a link feature. 

  • vengeance

    you sir have a great suggestion. +1

  • noodlezilla

    This is a wonderful idea, it would allow discord to be equal with another platform with similar systems such as Google Meet and Zoom, opening up the opportunity for users from those platforms to be bought over to discord. It would also be great to see a screen sharing option implemented for speakers on stage, allowing for presentations and hosting interactive games such as Kahoot. I really hope we see a popup chat tab when in a stage meeting implemented, it would really benefit the new feature! 

  • chaduos

    noodle Such a well thought out reply! I entirely agree-- schools or universities may end up exploring Discord as a viable option to host online lecture classes if stage channels receive a ton of support. Including additional features, such as a text chat within the stage channel themselves! 

    I could definitely see others using this for events or other fun among friends as well. Let's hope the idea comes to fruition and I'm excited to see what's in store for us later on. 

  • jimgreekgamerYT

    I agree with this and it would be really helpful for a share screen feature and that stops the chaos that was happening in normal voice chats. But i don't think an unmute button is necessary because when a person stops talking they can just go back to being an audience and if they don't go back the stage moderator can move him. Also they way you showed the stage chat is a really good looking concept and i think that the discord dev team should make it look like that.

  • Teksura

    I've been having a similar issue on a community server I help administrate. The owner of the server *LOVES* stages, it does so much what they wanted, and they've started recording certain podcast episodes using stages so their patrons can ask questions live. in the show.


    However, the problem is you basically need to have 2 windows open. You can't pop out the Stages chat to view it in another window. And you can't view the text chat while looking at the Stages window. This means it is necessary to open Discord in a web browser just to have both the text chat and Stages open at the same time.

    It would be great if when opening a stage, the moderator had the option to select an existing text channel to appear in the Stages window, allowing Speakers and Listeners to have a chat right there for the Stages discussion.

  • PapaD2715

    I really like this idea! The stage chat could go where the new threads go on PC! You could see the stage and the text chat on the same screen.

     The area outlined in red could be where the stage is and where the thread is where the Stage Pop-up chat could go:

    It would almost be like a Microsoft Teams meeting; Meeting on one side, chat bar on the other!

  • chaduos

    Teksura Yes! That's exactly the purpose of the suggestion! While my idea doesn't necessary link a existing text channel to a stage text chat, that's a feature I would like to see implemented as well! Having to open a new window just to use both stage and text channel at once and very inconvenient. I'm excited for the future of stage channels and what they will bring to the platform in the future! 

  • Teksura

    I'm really hoping for something like this. We get the stages channel here, and a chosen text chat popping up at the bottom to take advantage of some of that unused real estate on the bottom of the screen. It doesn't need to be a huge chat window, just something to let us interact with a text chat while the Stages show is active. I could also see some room to incorporate a few other handy features, such as an icon next to people's name in the chat if they have requested to speak, or options for stage moderators to interact with people in the chat by right clicking them (e.g. give them permission to speak or move them back to the audience).


  • chaduos

    Teksura A text chat placed at the bottom in the image you provided wouldn't be the best location for it. While there's a lot of space when you have only a few speakers and minor audience, once you have over 10 speakers and 100 members in the audience, then you will see that space is valuable. This is why in my proposal, the chat has the ability to pop-out similar to speaking requests. It's so those who wish to see the chat are able to and those who don't will not. 

    Discord is expanding its horizons to become involved in many sectors and I could see stage channels playing a vital role in the educational system in the near future. If Stage Channels gain access to Video and screenshare, then it could be a major competitor to Zoom in my opinion. 

    I do agree with you-- there needs to be a stage channel text chat. They should have the ability (enable/disable) to link to a text channel and have all the current and future features that come to them. 

  • Teksura

    While there's a lot of space when you have only a few speakers and minor audience, once you have over 10 speakers and 100 members in the audience, then you will see that space is valuable.

    Ehh, that's fair. Could have room in a sidebar. Or a show/hide option like the existing sidebar for stage moderators. Although once you reach the point that there are that many people in the audience, does anyone really need to be reading the names of every audience member and seeing their avatar?

  • UmbreonLibris

    Great idea!

  • Luisqa

    pls this

  • Kristi Cassidy

    Really hoping you add this.  It's already been implemented in voice channels - now we need it in stage channels, and they'll become perfect for very large meetings!


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