Bringing Bot Developer Badge back Or Make a new badge



  • MH10

    I agree, maybe a new badge for users who have gotten a verified bot?

  • Dwemon

    I'm not a developer (yet) but I don't see why this shouldn't be implemented.

  • yassin

    Please add it back or replace it with something new. At least because we really want it.

  • Ari Dutilh

    I agree, it's sort of disappointing as someone who got 2 bots verified after the role closed down to not be recognized for it with a badge on my profile. It's not life-changing or anything, but it would be really nice to have some sort of personal recognition!

  • putzulica fara froca1

    I really agree, a new badge for a verified bot will be ok.


  • PeanutChips

    Also i'd like my hacked account back with the badge..

  • K1nder2019
    I Agree with this. We really want the badge back so we can get recognized by users.
  • djesley1

    I agree with it.

  • IulianR0

    Please add the bagde again for a limited time or replace it with something new so we can be motivated.

  • militaru

    I agree with this. Would be cool if they bring back this badge.

  • dia

    I agree comletely. They should bring it back because you can't recognize an developer who put hard work into his bot from a normal person.

  • Pyroni

    I agree

  • Legit801

    Yep, It needs to come back, its a way of support for people who put time into making a bot.

  • Gamer Z

    Hey Discord, 
    If you are seeing this that means you have to bring back bot dev badge back up again because there is no other badges we can get for free so either add badges back or we quit discord :) 

    The choice is up to you.

  • Alex.

    I Agree with this.

  • physchicwinter9

    I agree with it.

  • Türker

    I agree with it.

  • Jaydo

    I agree

  • iqnut

    I agree with it.

  • Zero

    I absolutely disagree with the post above, and would leave a downvote to this, reason being individuals are pretty much 'greedy' for the badge, I, myself am a badge holder and I would not regret if it is completely removed off the platform, users who do not know how to write a single line of code, this post was sent to me by someone who wants to be 'recoginition', to teach people the right way to approach things is the goal this comment sets here... People dive into discord.js and other bot libraries without having basic information about it those do not deserve recoginition, those are salesmen not developers, please respect the fact for what the badge was made for, discord still provides bot verification as a platform and it seems good enough.

  • FerrariFortness

    Hey 0_0, you have 100% right looking on the coding side, however, there are those who really know how to make bots but don't have the badge!

  • AngeloCore

    As I understand it, you make bots for the badge, not because you like to make bots...

  • DouaMii69

    @AngelCore we make bots because we like to make bot's but also we want to be recognized for our work. If we didn't like to make bots. Right now we would have begged discord to bring back the early supporter instead of the bot developer badge.

  • AngeloCore

    Let's stop swiping badges

  • hyprexbtw

    As a developer my self i believe that they should add the badge back for some time so developers like me who deserve it can get it.

  • DouaMii69

    AngeloCore if you do not want to argue you can just leave the post. We are here making this feedback to help those developers who deserve to be recognized.

  • hahanorbert

    AngeloCore maybe you already have this badge and of course you don't want to bring back dev badge beacuse you want to be rare with your dev badge and if someone has a big bot he can get a "reward" with this dev badge

    So i agree with it.

  • DouaMii69

    that's true 

  • AngeloCore

    I dont care about the badge because I am developer before the badge
    Not like the most guys, start coding bcs of the badge
    Also, you're right, there's no point wasting my time with this post

  • DouaMii69

    AngeloCore you are not the only developer here.

    So if you think your wasting your time you can go.



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