“Subtle” pings would be commonly used
Many people don’t like getting pinged, and this is fair enough. Maybe it’s that they don’t want to be disturbed at the moment or perhaps a different reason, but what if someone still wanted them to see something in chat, but it wasn’t urgent.
Enter “subtle pings”
Subtle pings would be activated by using % instead of @ e.g. %Raphael - Lord of Wisdom.
Subtle pings would work just the same as regular pings, but instead of sending a notification to the user and disturbing them, the subtle ping will only let them know when they next get on discord.
An example of a good use of subtle pings is if you want a friend to see a particular comment that relates to them but they are asleep and you don’t want to wake them. Or perhaps you would like to ping someone who is busy such as the owner of a large server, you might want their input, but only if and when it’s convenient.
Do not disturb mode would also be given and actual purpose as users could receive an alert before sending a message that pings the user suggesting that they use subtle pings instead.
The concept idea isn't bad itself. EXCEPT .. you don't wan't to manage the '@person' so using % instedad of $ isn't the solution, as you can't know what he/she doing, and if this is something important for them. we just need to make use if an online statut and/or the device itself is on a "busy, DND, not online ect" statut, it won't send a Ping notification
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