Light mode is extremely bright (clashes with text)
I love the fact that you added "sync with computer" as I use both light and dark mode depending on the time of day.
However, I feel that light mode shouldn't be pure white but instead a light gray. This would help tremendously with both eye comfort and readability with many of the text colors (colors like yellow are clashing to the point that you can barely see them).
Please make light mode usable. Using dark mode should be a preference, not a necessity.
Light Mode is so weird. It's almost like they managed to make a white that's whiter than white & cranked up the gamma on it to max. I don't get nearly the same kind of eye strain on this support page, or even using light mode on Windows.
When I close my eyes after using discord's light mode, the box is seared into my vision for minutes afterwards.
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Exactly! This support page is also white, but not "as white". As you said, it's like contrast & gamma are pushed further beyond regular plain white.
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+1, the Discord team jokes about light mode on Twitter as though it's something fundamentally unfixable, even though both Slack and Teams look just fine in their default light modes. Discord's looks like an inverted colors version rather than an actual light mode.
I was curious enough to look into the contrast ratios of their light-gray-against-light-gray text, unsurprisingly they don't pass the small text standard of 4.5:1, and barely pass the large text standard of 3:1:
(technically dark mode's text doesn't pass either, but it's not quite as bad.)
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Great find on the contrast ratios.
Yeah, they keep joking on how everybody likes dark mode and light mode is doomed. Some people like both or even prefer light mode for various reasons, but in Discord you simply don't have a choice.
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