Still-Image profile banners for regular users
I am aware the new features and stuff are in beta, but I'm suggesting it anyway because I probably will be thinking about this forever if I don't.
I feel it seems kinda bogus that, as it stands, it seems that profile banner images are going to be nitro only. I can name several sites that don't charge you 10 dollars a month to have a profile banner.
So... how about having all members be able to use profile banners, but its in a similar manner to emoji use: regular members can have still images as banners, but not animated, whereas nitro users can have both like the select few that have been chosen have now. Again it feels kind of bogus to not let regular users have image banners when literally 90% of the sites/services I'm on/know of let me do this for free (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, DeviantArt (which has a subscription service as well but still lets users set a banner image on their profile for a whopping zero dollars), probably a ton more that I'm missing but you get the gist). That way all users can have creative freedom. Its kinda the same as not letting non-nitro users have profile pictures as a whole, but less extreme, to me.
What do you think?
I stand with this
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