Discord Profile banner's should be available to all users, whether or not they have Discord Nitro.



  • Mifu

    I totally agree !!

  • 𝐃𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐲.

    As someone who has had classic nitro active on their account for over a year (and before the new nitro existed,) I can agree with this. I don't feel like spending another $5/month because of a profile banner that should be free to use as profile customization. 
    Kinda starting to feel like you're gonna need money to customize your profile at all atp.

  • ! Arya

    I agree too that banner is only available to users who buy discord nitro (9.99$) and not any others. I have like 3 months of nitro classic but i still think that banners should also be available to everyone.


    It can be like nitro classic users can get animated banners and non nitro users have just like a normal banner

  • Apollo

    I totally agree, although it's not an animated banner, it should be a usable banner for everyone.

  • Λ_391

    I'm a nitro user can't even get that feature

  • JokerLow

    As a nitro user, I agree that the profile banner should not be an option only limited to a few people. It came as a shock the fact that we nitro users couldnt use the epic games promotion for nitro, just because we are supporters of discord, but that is not the matter of this topic. I believe that non-nitro users should have atleast  the possibility of having an image at their profile banner if the gif is too much. Limiting profile costumization to this extreme is not profitable nor healthy for both discord and their users.

  • an dumb person (an noob)

    I really like the idea too, this post should get more votes because I don't like the fact they only put the banner for only nitro people and It seems kinda unfair for non-nitro users.

  • howse

    I think they should have it so if you do not have discord nitro, you cant get an animated banner. Like you profile picture you can still have a still image. If you have nitro you can have an animated banned like your profile picture.

  • JWilsonTV

    I completely agree. I was thinking about this ever since they released the beta. Upvote from me! 

    Thanks, JWilson#9015.

  • biscuits

    U guys have nitro and be able to customize banner?


  • TheRoaxterMan

    Yes, true



  • Lord Vertice

    I currently have nitro but the fact that it's literally locked behind a paywall for most people is just ridiculous. Non-animated banners should be free for everyone, not only color customization. Seriously thinking about dropping nitro because of the direction discord is currently heading to (it's more than just the banners)

  • brb23

    I would rather prefer features like these getting locked behind a paywall than have countless ads on my screen. 

  • biscuits

    I use epic games nitro and i can customize the profile banner

  • ! Arya

    So i replied to this post like 1 month ago and i was one of the first who replied and now when the beta feature is out to all of the discord users i still think it should be like this :-

    Non nitro users - About me
    Nitro classic users - About me and normal banner

    Nitro(9.99$) users - About me and animated banners and stickers

    This is because i think discord is adding most of features to discord 9.99$ so nitro classic users should at least have access to normal banner as we also paid 5$ to Discord.
    I have bought nitro classic like 10 times till now but now i dont know why i feel but discord nitro 5$ doesnt have that many features as before

    Thank you
    ! Arya#0493 
    Discord user

  • JCJ

    Yes please! Discord do consider this

  • Eti

    To be honest, I'm not in full support of this nor full denial. I sit in a middle ground.

    If it were up to me, I'd keep the banner limit, but make it so that Nitro Classic has banners. Standard Nitro would have it with animations or whatever it may be. I go with Classic because I don't want to spend $10 a month on this, that gets expensive really quick for someone with a low paying job when coupled with the other things that I have to pay for, especially other subscriptions to other services. No matter -- the price of subs is irrelevant here beyond the context of "cheap nitro" vs "expensive nitro".

    At the very least, the spot on profile cards for a banner shouldn't render if you don't have one. Having that flat color header looks terrible, so I think it's at least fair that it doesn't render if I have no banner. Nitro Classic should be allowed to upload a static banner, and current Nitro should be allowed to have an animated banner.

  • maximum_yt

    Discord has made it as a nitro feature in order to prevent people from scamming with banners, the about me is free for everyone so that's the bonus and the banner is a nitro feature itself, No I don't agree with this, if you like to argue even more you may email discord.

    you can go to the epic games store in order to get nitro, anyways good luck.

    This features are in beta for a reason!

    KrAyX Maximum
    Discord User

  • Soap🎸

    Your just saying this because your broke.


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