why should we add a payment method if we having nitro for free on epic games?
If we are going to have nitro for 3 months free on epic games then WHY should we have to pay? I was so close to getting nitro BUT you have to add your CC in order to continue.
Plus if it's "free" why add a payment method, for what? So, I see what you guys are doing here... you're actually wanting people's credit cards so you can steal them and charge them. done and done, solved.
Hello, I like you question ☺️
They Payment Card to Proof that not fake account, and for renew nitro after 3 month
Thanks you,
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Abdulla thank you, so I'm not gonna be charged for this 3 months, and then until september, I will be charged? If it seems to me I will cancel before that date in september.
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