Bio character limit
The about me tab is set to a very hard limit of 190 characters. Every letter, every space, every punctuation, each one counts as a character. This in itself is a very small amount, in order to fit even a beautiful poem in there, you often need to remove many words, punctuation, and details to a barebones expression just to fit it in there. And after all that the resulting poem doesn't feel the same as the original. If you are to have an ABOUT ME tab, then how can you sum up everything about you in a mere 190 characters? It's just like the old saying, you can't sum your whole life up in just one Tweet...
Thank you for your time.
I absolutely agree even today. The support definitely needs to increase the about me limit from 190, cuz that really isn't enough, especially knowing that I want my bio to be as good as possible, but the limit holds me back
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