Badge reverting system needed



  • lilo

    I am having the exact same problem, my card didn't go through properly for whatever reason and my 16 month badge got reset. I also sent a ticket but said the exact same, that they couldn't help which truly sucks! Hopefully they add a system to solve this issues that don't have anything to do with us.

  • Shitgod6969

    It really is needed, I literally lost my 18 month+ badge and i was really close getting the 24 month badge, pretty much just by one more month and my PayPal isn't working rroperly recently, so autopay won't work sometimes, I ended up loosing my nitro subscription like 2 ish days ago and renewed it as soon as I could and literally just like an hour ago I had my 18 month badge and it disappeared after a bit, I instantly ended up boosting a server by using both of my boosts on it, (only because I thought I was already boosting the servers and manually buying a subscription via the gift option for myself would boost the previous servers on it's own) nothing happened. It got reset one month badge, I tried contacting the customer support by opening a ticket and I added ss for proof and in their reply basically said “there isn't anything they can do about it” and told me not to contact them again if its about the badge. It's funny how they say they care about the users and can't do a thing about a minor issue, even tho I opened the ticket about it as soon as my badge disappeared. Atleast they should let the badge stay for a week after the subscription expire, there are many curicumstances where people can't just buy a subscription within a time period of 72 hours, if there are issues happening with their cards or payment apps. In that case they can't do anything other than loosing a badge that they have been paying continuously for 2 WHOLE YEARS. I don't think discord even cares about these problems and surely they do love to claim that they care about their users and then they would proceed to absolutely do nothing  about some these "issues" that are actually supposed to be taken care of and probably many people are dealing with similar kind of crap.

  • Phantasm#3280

    literally just had this happen to me. i renewed the yearly plan when my card payment didn't go through at least within their grace period of a month. what i DIDN'T NOTICE were when i resubscribed, my boosts were no longer on the server! i know it's purely cosmetic—but f***, ain't that the product of what we're paying for? you lost a consumer. at least, Discord, make it an option for long-time users to revert to the evolved badge with the dates. what sucks about this whole thing is when you're an avid fan of this company despite the status quo and their hot choices this year, and you still get this kind of disservice!

  • Campuzanonatalia47

     A mi me  parece  que Todo esto es un robo por que como es posible que me roven y que salga una explicación tan absurda que mas encima no puede ayudarme con todo lo que te mandan hacer paso a paso y no te lleve a nada 

  • Phantasm#3280

    total robbery.


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