Offer better subscription options and monetize Discord features. Let me give you money.
As it is now, you offer a 3€ subscription that is completely useless and you offer a very expensive 10€ subscription that has some value in it and a lot of crap nobody needs.
I like Discord, and I am not paying any money like now, and there is no way I will subscribe to any of those two options because they do not provide enough value for the money.
There are exactly three things I am interested in:
- Longer messages
- Larger attachments
- HD Streaming
So why on earth can I not just subscribe to those three features? Just tag a price tag on and let me subscribe to those features.
Longer messages? 50 cents
Larger attachments? 1 €
HD streaming? 2 €
I would gladly subscribe to Discord and give you money for those features.
But I am not paying money for stuff I dont need and want, and Nitro is exactly that… too expensive for no reason and very bad ROI for the money.
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